Thursday, February 7, 2008


It is funny how difficult it is to either break a habit or start a new habit?Either good or bad? It has been clamored on me to change my attitude about communication. In view, I have always thought to myself that I was on par with the average person in how I communicate and how often I communicate. It has though become a major concern for me in recent time as my immediate family has seen this flaw, with genuine love are trying to help me change. Having realized it is a problem, I have to face and overcome right now, before it grows into an unmovable obstacle, an obstacle to affect my in the workforce and the global village at large. I am challenging myself from this day to contact my family everyday until I have achieved my objective of being communicatively competent. I appreciate my family, their intentions and love and will do this, if not for myself but for them, to show them that I love them very much. Until your actions show your intentions, your intention matters to know one. If you do anything that turns out wrongly, no one cares if it is done with good intentions

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