Friday, March 19, 2010

If you could compare your character with an animal, what animal would you say you are and why?

Black Panther...Sleek, stylish, and confident.

Ask me anything

what would make you feel better? A girl thinking you're cute or thinking you're sexy? and why?

Sexy. I know Im cute already. Sexy varies from girl to girl and one can prove to me that Im not. Dat im cute cannot be questioned tho.

Ask me anything

My guy, your FIFA skills are wack! Why now?

lol...well, you can come play me to be sure. Ivent played anyone in months, so you dnt know...Im the BAUS

Ask me anything

Do you regret breaking up with your ex?

No, maybe the circumstances I did not like but everythin happens for a reason. Im a big boy and ive moved on.

Ask me anything

What are your plans for the summer?

Grad, naija, dazedfaze entertainment,the rest is up to GOD

Ask me anything

How much would you get paid to pose nude?

Start naming ur price and we would negotiate

Ask me anything

Why do so many people like you?

Its funny you say that. There are so many people that dont like me, u know. People like you if you respect yourself, dnt overpass ur boundary and you treat them fairly. I look to make everyone who encounters me, have a smile on their face.

Ask me anything