Sunday, September 16, 2007

What you desire

We as individuals all have our heart desires.That one thing, or even a couple of things that we desire-that car, those soccer shoes, some financial target or even that pretty lady or handsome guy, but like I said earlier they just your desire-something you wish to have. For the most part, we work to get our desires fulfilled or we just hope on some miracles to happen. At times, you try a couple of things but they just do not seem to work and then you it all to a miracle to occur. The question now remains that what is the criteria that is used by the desire guarantoor to grant our desire-our impending wish for them, our neverending prayer for them, is the desire a need in our lives or does it even add anything to our being. This is something I wander about in my little corner. You have been invited to seun's little corner, the corner where he comes down to earth and sees the world at its lowest point. The real him if I might say. Do you accept my invititation to tinker about this issue of having your desire granted or even other issues you think we can discuss about. I cannot end this post if I do not congratulate all arsenal fans on the teams resurgence and stay at the top of the table. So people, post me your replies, thoughts, questions, criticism or praise. I want to hear from you....................

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