Monday, December 21, 2009


“He who fails to plan, plans to fail”

Either quoting from the Quran and/or the Bible a number of us remind ourselves and each other that God is the best of planners. However, most of us often forget or neglect the importance of planning in our own lives.
Prophet Muhammad, (peace and blessings be upon him) or Jesus Christ (peace and blessings be upon him) were master planners in their life time, each of them making well-thought out decisions about their personal life as well as the community they established.

We may have a general idea of what we want to accomplish in life and how to go about it (doing so). But most of the time, we coast along, hoping for the best, working hard but not necessarily in a focused manner. Planning helps us really hone in on what we want to accomplish (things) which, on the surface, seemed impossible.
For God, nothing is impossible, He values and rewards not just hard work, but focused planning as well. Getting to Heaven requires a plan as well, and it doesn’t just involve working hard, but focusing on those things that will help us attains the greatest of all goals.
Very soon, we shall usher in the New Year 2010, let us put down a careful plan whether that’s in a notebook, a page in our calendars, a file in our computers, on a PDA, or a rough plan for the next 12 months.

If you’ve never done this before, it may seem odd at first. But just start the process and see where it takes you. You’ll be surprised at the results!
God is indeed the best of planners

This day each year is like a quick turn of the page, each month, almost like a blur. This is why planning is so important. Every second, every minute, is so important; we cannot afford to loose it.
Whether it's wasting hours in front of the television set, consuming sitcoms and daytime soap operas, just "hanging out" with friends all too often, or putting off studying or a work project till the last minute, almost all of us are guilty of wasting our time.
In every January 1st, talks of resolutions, change, decisions, etc, spur us to take action and to plan ahead. You don't have to plan for the "new year" per se. Maybe you can just review some earlier ones to see if there is need for improvement or where an extra mile is required to achieve a set objective.
Whenever you decide to do this, here are seven reasons to convince you of the merits and importance of planning for the coming months:

1. To see where you are and where you want to go.
If our purpose in life is to live as God wants us to live or to achieve success in this world or be able to enter heaven, where do we stand at the moment? Are we living in a balanced manner as God would like us to, or is our wealth what we worship? Are we doing our acts of worship properly, regularly and sincerely?

How is our financial situation? When will we pay our dues? How much sacrifice did we give to the helpless or the needy in the past year?

These are just some of the questions we should ask ourselves at the end of a given year. They help us realize where we stand, and help us identify not only our mistakes, but where we need to go. Planning in advance helps us to do just that.

2. To see where you are in terms of your family.
You may have noticed that in the last year, you and your family have grown apart. Or your relationship with your spouse and kids is deteriorating.
Once you've identified this problem, planning in advance can help you develop some solutions. For instance, if you've grown apart, you can plan to attend a one-week family camp in another part of the country. Or you can plan a trip somewhere together. By planning in advance, you can get everyone in on it and even the buildup to the journey can be a source of family excitement.

If the relationship with your spouse and kids is not in good shape, maybe you can start calling a family meeting (maybe the first ever) to openly discuss the situation.

3. To identify your career/educational goals
Maybe you've always talked about making the career switch to a more decent source of income. Or you've always talked about going back to school, now that you've gotten money to do so, you're ready, but you haven't planned for it.
Career or educational changes cannot be done in a slapdash manner. They require months of careful planning. These plans need to be discussed with the family, since they often impact family members (especially if the person making the career choice or educational switch is a parent).

Planning in January, when a new semester begins, for September, when the next school year begins, can help you assess what needs to be done beforehand to get into a new program, for instance.
Planning months in advance can help you seek the right job, and give enough time to inform your boss so that the company can find a replacement, for example.

4. By planning in advance, you can plan for emergencies.
Looking at the year ahead in advance and keeping your goals in mind can help you plan for emergencies. Maybe you've heard from the news line that your company is going in a loss, and you want to make a change before you loose your job, or maybe your father at home is very sick, and you have a feeling you will need to see him for possibly the last time.
By planning in advance you can collect the necessary funds to keep the family going in case of job loss, or to fly home instead of waiting until the last minute for something to happen.

5. To identify what you need to achieve your goals.
Have you realized that your knowledge of life is very weak after assessing the last year and realizing how many things you did without knowing the Biblical or Quran injunction on the issue? Do you understand your company or organization’s policy on the issue?
Have you realized how many times you submitted work projects or school assignment later than deadline because of your disorganization? Have you realized how many times
your kids missed their weekend school classes because they got up late on Saturday morning?
By planning ahead, you can identify and develop some concrete solutions to implement. For instance, for gaining more knowledge, maybe you checked out on some websites and found a one-month religious or educational program taking place in a country.
By planning ahead, you can save enough money, get a good price on transportation, make arrangements with the family, and attend the program without the hassles of last minute preparation.
If your work projects or school assignments are always being sent in late, maybe you can look up some time management courses or seminars to attend so you can identify and implement tips that can help you curb procrastination and disorganization.
If the kids are regularly missing weekend school, setting a proper Friday night sleep schedule and Saturday morning routine in advance can give you and the kids time to get used to it and have them attending their classes weekly.

6. You can plan mundane activities
Whether it's the car getting checked, the kids' doctor and dentist appointments or a big house clean up, planning in advance can help you sit down with the family or the concerned individual and discuss when it is most convenient for these types of necessary checkups and activities.
Don't wait for the muffler to fall off the car, the kids to complain of toothaches, a major sickness, or a house that's falling apart to do what's needed. Plan in advance so you can save time, money and energy. You'll know what materials you'll need and will have a better opportunity to get everyone or the given individuals involved in these tasks so they get done quickly, efficiently and with cooperation.

7. Wake up everyday with a purpose
Planning for the year, the month and the day in advance helps you not only accomplish your goals. It's also a way to maximize your energy and time. Some of us may wake up knowing we should be doing something today, but don't have it all worked out beforehand. Our days then simply become less productive and a series of events we are reacting to, instead of time spent aiming for our higher purpose.

A short guide for your use
The month of January brings with it talk of resolutions and looking back on the past 12 months. Given that it's also the beginning of another New Year 2010, this is a great time to evaluate where we are, where we've been, and what we've got to change.
This is a short self-evaluation form that can guide us through the process.

-Have you thanked God for what you know?
-Are you satisfied with your level of education?
-Are you satisfied with your children's level of education?
-Did you further your career by learning new information about your field?
-If you are a student, are you satisfied with your level of commitment to your studies?
-Did you learn anything new about your religious practice in the last year?

-How did you earn your money? Are you satisfied with this?
-How did you spend the money? Are you satisfied with this?
-How many people have you brought up with your money?
-Do you seldom give fish or teach people to catch fish?

-How is your relationship with your immediate family?
-Are you in regular contact with relatives?
-Are you holding any grudges against your close ones?
-Are you a good role model to your family/ children?
-Do you ever think of been remembered for any legacy?
-Have you ever called your spouse or children to give them hope and share your affection by saying “I love you” one day?
-Did you know your children’s School with any of their class teacher or principal?
-Did you often organize a guidance and counseling session for your children to review or evaluate their academic performance and plan their future?
-Do you ever think of the need to start writing your Will now and reviewing it from time to time or you attach some inexcusable sentiments to that?

-Were you a good neighbor?
-Did you volunteer your time and money into any beneficial cause (i.e. the fight against violence, drugs, pornography, HIV/Aids etc.)?
-Do you obey your local Law or you are always in disagreement with the law?
-Did you find it necessary to encourage your family to respect your local law?
-Do you return back home from work early or lately?

-Are you satisfied with your level of commitment to your career?
-Are you happy with your career?
-Do you need to change the direction of your career?
-Is your relationship with your co worker cordial?
-Are you a team player? In what way have you influence your team mate positively?
-Are you an analytical Thinker, a Socializer, a Relater or a Director?
-Do you belief in the “Platinum rule” that says “Treat people as they need/ want to be treated”? Do you know your color or that of your team players?

-Did you offer prayers daily or at will?
-Did you try to go for Friday/ daily prayers or Sunday/ Church service regularly?
-Have you taken you children or spouse to the Mosque or Church?
-Did you pay your dues in the Mosque or Church regularly?
-Did you belong to any religious group where you could play some vital role?
-Did I start saving to go for pilgrimage or perform other religious/ social obligations?
-Have you been engaging yourself in act that negates your religious practice?
-Do you educate your children on consequence of any action taken by them or you?
-If you answer no to any of these questions, is there any need for review this year?

These are some questions which I recently came up with. They may or may not apply to you. Please choose the ones that best apply to you, as only you know yourself better, after God who has the best knowledge of all His creators, as we are noting but pencils in the hand of God.

So ask yourself all the questions which you want to ask, all the right questions. And then do these three things for yourself now:
• Thank God for everything good you have been able to do
• Seek God's forgiveness with divine guidance/ protection on all your shortcomings
• Take a pen and paper to plan for a better life in the New Year and years ahead.

Lastly pray for the author and send to the person who you love and want to succeed.