For many years, 5 to be precise, have my beloved ship, ARSENAL FOOTBALL CLUB, not won a trophy. This ship is definitely sinking and even sad is that it masked by a great financial position, young talented squad and exceptional training and medical facilities. One then wonders the reason why behind these strong components, the ship continues to sink.
I would start with each section of a football club and explain what is wrong with Arsenal and what needs to be fixed.
However you look at it, private ownership of a football club by money spending oligarchs has become the order of the day. The emergence of Abramovich, Saudi Family, Glazer et al proves that with money from an outside force most teams can sometimes defy the notion that money does not buy trophies. At Arsenal, the model is such that the club is self sustaining-Spend within your means. You can only buy from the profits you've made, money is never borrowed to cover player transfers and never overspend on players. Paramount to making this work is a board with many individuals as shareholders and for the most part share an inner affection for the club. There are 2 ways to go at this point: First is the board can make bold moves and ensure the manager makes massive investment in player purchases for world class players and stop spending money on underpar players and hoping they return the favour by collecting cheap pay and maybe working extrahard to win trophies. The other option is to let someone buy the club, make the massive financial investment that the club needs to get back to the powerhouse it use to be in the EPL. Kroenke or Usmanov?
I do not know what is wrong but the players at Arsenal seem to be getting injured at a more alarming rate than normal. I do not know if its just me but I noticed it was when Gary Lewin nd the Club doctor got called up into the England set-up(which shows how good they are) and was replaced with Colin Lewin(Cousin) and O'Driscoll. Its either these guys are not good enough and need to get fired. Whatever it is, this injury problem must be fixed before the start of the season? Arsenal had 7 bone injuries during the course of the season, most teams end @ 2 maximum. Until this injury thing gets fixed, Arsenal will not win a trophy because no matter how much depth you have, it would be bared. Big example would be at CB. With Djourou already out for the season, Vermaleen and Gallas getting injured, you would always be forced to have Silvestre and Campbell left. The norm is for every team to have 4 defenders: Arsenal had Djourou, Gallas, Vermaleen, Campbell and ofcourse minus one Silvestre. Is that wrong? Yet injuries took them to the bare bones.
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