Like a midsummer day, the sun shone
One of those days you wish you had a clone
A clone to go around and increase your chances
Chances of meeting that one beautiful one
The damsel who would make every night the beginning of a new day
I set out to check on the clay I had molded yesterday
Went down on my knees to touch it and see if its strong now
A beach ball came across and struck my head...
as I looked up to see where it came from
The sun casts its glow in my eyes
like the scale in Saul's eyes
My sight was hindered, but not enough for me to know that an exciting figure was approaching me
The closer the figure approached me, the better my sight.
Emancipating in my view was the lady I had dreamed about for nights now
She was beautiful, wonderfully and skillfully crafted
Skin toned like the colour of the sand on which she walked
Her walk was like that of a goddess, gently moving
Gracious was the way she carried herself
Delirious was the way I felt
She would come close
close enough I could see all of her
not in anyway deterred by the rays of the sun
Im thinking,"With her, I will never mourn"
She looks me straight in the eyes
I knew she knows no lies
Flawless were her thighs
Oh, they were such a beautiful sight
With her right hand, she held my jaw
raised my face as if to make me get up
Sadly I could not rise to her
Numb my feet had become
Nimble I wish my fingers would be
So I could stroke the fullness of her hair
the caress the smoothness of her skin
the curves of her waist
the parabola of her behind.
In the lost space of my mind,
a voice began to set in the distance
Gentle the voice, soothing it was
I could hear her say,
"Sorry about the ball"
In silence, I said," I know"
Then she said," I meant to throw a stone at your head"
To be continued....
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