“He who fails to plan, plans to fail”
Either quoting from the Quran and/or the Bible a number of us remind ourselves and each other that God is the best of planners. However, most of us often forget or neglect the importance of planning in our own lives.
Prophet Muhammad, (peace and blessings be upon him) or Jesus Christ (peace and blessings be upon him) were master planners in their life time, each of them making well-thought out decisions about their personal life as well as the community they established.
We may have a general idea of what we want to accomplish in life and how to go about it (doing so). But most of the time, we coast along, hoping for the best, working hard but not necessarily in a focused manner. Planning helps us really hone in on what we want to accomplish (things) which, on the surface, seemed impossible.
For God, nothing is impossible, He values and rewards not just hard work, but focused planning as well. Getting to Heaven requires a plan as well, and it doesn’t just involve working hard, but focusing on those things that will help us attains the greatest of all goals.
Very soon, we shall usher in the New Year 2010, let us put down a careful plan whether that’s in a notebook, a page in our calendars, a file in our computers, on a PDA, or a rough plan for the next 12 months.
If you’ve never done this before, it may seem odd at first. But just start the process and see where it takes you. You’ll be surprised at the results!
God is indeed the best of planners
This day each year is like a quick turn of the page, each month, almost like a blur. This is why planning is so important. Every second, every minute, is so important; we cannot afford to loose it.
Whether it's wasting hours in front of the television set, consuming sitcoms and daytime soap operas, just "hanging out" with friends all too often, or putting off studying or a work project till the last minute, almost all of us are guilty of wasting our time.
In every January 1st, talks of resolutions, change, decisions, etc, spur us to take action and to plan ahead. You don't have to plan for the "new year" per se. Maybe you can just review some earlier ones to see if there is need for improvement or where an extra mile is required to achieve a set objective.
Whenever you decide to do this, here are seven reasons to convince you of the merits and importance of planning for the coming months:
1. To see where you are and where you want to go.
If our purpose in life is to live as God wants us to live or to achieve success in this world or be able to enter heaven, where do we stand at the moment? Are we living in a balanced manner as God would like us to, or is our wealth what we worship? Are we doing our acts of worship properly, regularly and sincerely?
How is our financial situation? When will we pay our dues? How much sacrifice did we give to the helpless or the needy in the past year?
These are just some of the questions we should ask ourselves at the end of a given year. They help us realize where we stand, and help us identify not only our mistakes, but where we need to go. Planning in advance helps us to do just that.
2. To see where you are in terms of your family.
You may have noticed that in the last year, you and your family have grown apart. Or your relationship with your spouse and kids is deteriorating.
Once you've identified this problem, planning in advance can help you develop some solutions. For instance, if you've grown apart, you can plan to attend a one-week family camp in another part of the country. Or you can plan a trip somewhere together. By planning in advance, you can get everyone in on it and even the buildup to the journey can be a source of family excitement.
If the relationship with your spouse and kids is not in good shape, maybe you can start calling a family meeting (maybe the first ever) to openly discuss the situation.
3. To identify your career/educational goals
Maybe you've always talked about making the career switch to a more decent source of income. Or you've always talked about going back to school, now that you've gotten money to do so, you're ready, but you haven't planned for it.
Career or educational changes cannot be done in a slapdash manner. They require months of careful planning. These plans need to be discussed with the family, since they often impact family members (especially if the person making the career choice or educational switch is a parent).
Planning in January, when a new semester begins, for September, when the next school year begins, can help you assess what needs to be done beforehand to get into a new program, for instance.
Planning months in advance can help you seek the right job, and give enough time to inform your boss so that the company can find a replacement, for example.
4. By planning in advance, you can plan for emergencies.
Looking at the year ahead in advance and keeping your goals in mind can help you plan for emergencies. Maybe you've heard from the news line that your company is going in a loss, and you want to make a change before you loose your job, or maybe your father at home is very sick, and you have a feeling you will need to see him for possibly the last time.
By planning in advance you can collect the necessary funds to keep the family going in case of job loss, or to fly home instead of waiting until the last minute for something to happen.
5. To identify what you need to achieve your goals.
Have you realized that your knowledge of life is very weak after assessing the last year and realizing how many things you did without knowing the Biblical or Quran injunction on the issue? Do you understand your company or organization’s policy on the issue?
Have you realized how many times you submitted work projects or school assignment later than deadline because of your disorganization? Have you realized how many times
your kids missed their weekend school classes because they got up late on Saturday morning?
By planning ahead, you can identify and develop some concrete solutions to implement. For instance, for gaining more knowledge, maybe you checked out on some websites and found a one-month religious or educational program taking place in a country.
By planning ahead, you can save enough money, get a good price on transportation, make arrangements with the family, and attend the program without the hassles of last minute preparation.
If your work projects or school assignments are always being sent in late, maybe you can look up some time management courses or seminars to attend so you can identify and implement tips that can help you curb procrastination and disorganization.
If the kids are regularly missing weekend school, setting a proper Friday night sleep schedule and Saturday morning routine in advance can give you and the kids time to get used to it and have them attending their classes weekly.
6. You can plan mundane activities
Whether it's the car getting checked, the kids' doctor and dentist appointments or a big house clean up, planning in advance can help you sit down with the family or the concerned individual and discuss when it is most convenient for these types of necessary checkups and activities.
Don't wait for the muffler to fall off the car, the kids to complain of toothaches, a major sickness, or a house that's falling apart to do what's needed. Plan in advance so you can save time, money and energy. You'll know what materials you'll need and will have a better opportunity to get everyone or the given individuals involved in these tasks so they get done quickly, efficiently and with cooperation.
7. Wake up everyday with a purpose
Planning for the year, the month and the day in advance helps you not only accomplish your goals. It's also a way to maximize your energy and time. Some of us may wake up knowing we should be doing something today, but don't have it all worked out beforehand. Our days then simply become less productive and a series of events we are reacting to, instead of time spent aiming for our higher purpose.
A short guide for your use
The month of January brings with it talk of resolutions and looking back on the past 12 months. Given that it's also the beginning of another New Year 2010, this is a great time to evaluate where we are, where we've been, and what we've got to change.
This is a short self-evaluation form that can guide us through the process.
-Have you thanked God for what you know?
-Are you satisfied with your level of education?
-Are you satisfied with your children's level of education?
-Did you further your career by learning new information about your field?
-If you are a student, are you satisfied with your level of commitment to your studies?
-Did you learn anything new about your religious practice in the last year?
-How did you earn your money? Are you satisfied with this?
-How did you spend the money? Are you satisfied with this?
-How many people have you brought up with your money?
-Do you seldom give fish or teach people to catch fish?
-How is your relationship with your immediate family?
-Are you in regular contact with relatives?
-Are you holding any grudges against your close ones?
-Are you a good role model to your family/ children?
-Do you ever think of been remembered for any legacy?
-Have you ever called your spouse or children to give them hope and share your affection by saying “I love you” one day?
-Did you know your children’s School with any of their class teacher or principal?
-Did you often organize a guidance and counseling session for your children to review or evaluate their academic performance and plan their future?
-Do you ever think of the need to start writing your Will now and reviewing it from time to time or you attach some inexcusable sentiments to that?
-Were you a good neighbor?
-Did you volunteer your time and money into any beneficial cause (i.e. the fight against violence, drugs, pornography, HIV/Aids etc.)?
-Do you obey your local Law or you are always in disagreement with the law?
-Did you find it necessary to encourage your family to respect your local law?
-Do you return back home from work early or lately?
-Are you satisfied with your level of commitment to your career?
-Are you happy with your career?
-Do you need to change the direction of your career?
-Is your relationship with your co worker cordial?
-Are you a team player? In what way have you influence your team mate positively?
-Are you an analytical Thinker, a Socializer, a Relater or a Director?
-Do you belief in the “Platinum rule” that says “Treat people as they need/ want to be treated”? Do you know your color or that of your team players?
-Did you offer prayers daily or at will?
-Did you try to go for Friday/ daily prayers or Sunday/ Church service regularly?
-Have you taken you children or spouse to the Mosque or Church?
-Did you pay your dues in the Mosque or Church regularly?
-Did you belong to any religious group where you could play some vital role?
-Did I start saving to go for pilgrimage or perform other religious/ social obligations?
-Have you been engaging yourself in act that negates your religious practice?
-Do you educate your children on consequence of any action taken by them or you?
-If you answer no to any of these questions, is there any need for review this year?
These are some questions which I recently came up with. They may or may not apply to you. Please choose the ones that best apply to you, as only you know yourself better, after God who has the best knowledge of all His creators, as we are noting but pencils in the hand of God.
So ask yourself all the questions which you want to ask, all the right questions. And then do these three things for yourself now:
• Thank God for everything good you have been able to do
• Seek God's forgiveness with divine guidance/ protection on all your shortcomings
• Take a pen and paper to plan for a better life in the New Year and years ahead.
Lastly pray for the author and send to the person who you love and want to succeed.
This is where I express my mind, share my thoughts, help reveal other peoples thoughts, share reviews and notes I find interesting.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Guess who's back
Hmm...Where do I begin? I guess I can start by asking for forgiveness...I don't know if forgiveness is the right word to use here but I will use it anyways. Forgive me for my long absence from blog ville. I had to take time off to concentrate on the most important factor in the phase of my life- School and boy o boy, it was hectic, yet different. I'm finally coming to the end of the semester,1 exam on Friday and it's all over and its time to sing the Christmas carol, share the moment with friends and envision or simulate seating with my family, laughing, eating and telling stories. Well, I guess that will only remain in my fantasy but forever, you are in my heart and we will share many Christmases together. Love you all, members of the Okegbemiro family.
BTW...I went to see a ballet 2 Sunday's ago and it was an exhilarating experience, one I would like to do again and thank you for coming with me, you know who you are. Also, one of the few people whose ways and works inspire me, Komi Olaf, had his 2nd Art Exhibit, which he tagged, " ANGELS OF MUSIC". It was art par excellence and people came out in numbers to feed their eyes. One painting that was not up though was that of SEUN FRANK LUCAS,as noticed by Jimi Bolu and Dayo aka D1. Generally, it was a nice Sunday.
Now, I look forward to 2010. Personally, it is a very important year for me. Time to execute the lessons from my struggles and ensure they help in "realizing my destiny and fulfilling my potential."
BTW...I went to see a ballet 2 Sunday's ago and it was an exhilarating experience, one I would like to do again and thank you for coming with me, you know who you are. Also, one of the few people whose ways and works inspire me, Komi Olaf, had his 2nd Art Exhibit, which he tagged, " ANGELS OF MUSIC". It was art par excellence and people came out in numbers to feed their eyes. One painting that was not up though was that of SEUN FRANK LUCAS,as noticed by Jimi Bolu and Dayo aka D1. Generally, it was a nice Sunday.
Now, I look forward to 2010. Personally, it is a very important year for me. Time to execute the lessons from my struggles and ensure they help in "realizing my destiny and fulfilling my potential."
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
No stars by Darey( Beautiful piece)
No stars in the sky
Makes me wonder why
I’m still gazing...
I’ve done all I know to do
And there’s still no sign of you
Are you coming soon?
Now I’m staring out the window
But the waiting’s just begun
And all I see is shadows
Even though I see the sun
You took away my sunshine
And I want it back
You took my star from the sky
And I want it back
You took away my sunshine
And I want it back
You can only give it to me
When you come back home… home… home
There’s a picture on my chair
Like you’re sitting there
Can I sit with you?
I can hear you when you call
Like you never left at all
Should I answer you?
I’m still staring out the window
Wishing you’d be passing by
But all I see is shadows
As the memories pass me by
You could only give it to me…
No stars in the sky
Makes me wonder why
I’m still gazing...
Makes me wonder why
I’m still gazing...
I’ve done all I know to do
And there’s still no sign of you
Are you coming soon?
Now I’m staring out the window
But the waiting’s just begun
And all I see is shadows
Even though I see the sun
You took away my sunshine
And I want it back
You took my star from the sky
And I want it back
You took away my sunshine
And I want it back
You can only give it to me
When you come back home… home… home
There’s a picture on my chair
Like you’re sitting there
Can I sit with you?
I can hear you when you call
Like you never left at all
Should I answer you?
I’m still staring out the window
Wishing you’d be passing by
But all I see is shadows
As the memories pass me by
You could only give it to me…
No stars in the sky
Makes me wonder why
I’m still gazing...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
My dream
Like a midsummer day, the sun shone
One of those days you wish you had a clone
A clone to go around and increase your chances
Chances of meeting that one beautiful one
The damsel who would make every night the beginning of a new day
I set out to check on the clay I had molded yesterday
Went down on my knees to touch it and see if its strong now
A beach ball came across and struck my head...
as I looked up to see where it came from
The sun casts its glow in my eyes
like the scale in Saul's eyes
My sight was hindered, but not enough for me to know that an exciting figure was approaching me
The closer the figure approached me, the better my sight.
Emancipating in my view was the lady I had dreamed about for nights now
She was beautiful, wonderfully and skillfully crafted
Skin toned like the colour of the sand on which she walked
Her walk was like that of a goddess, gently moving
Gracious was the way she carried herself
Delirious was the way I felt
She would come close
close enough I could see all of her
not in anyway deterred by the rays of the sun
Im thinking,"With her, I will never mourn"
She looks me straight in the eyes
I knew she knows no lies
Flawless were her thighs
Oh, they were such a beautiful sight
With her right hand, she held my jaw
raised my face as if to make me get up
Sadly I could not rise to her
Numb my feet had become
Nimble I wish my fingers would be
So I could stroke the fullness of her hair
the caress the smoothness of her skin
the curves of her waist
the parabola of her behind.
In the lost space of my mind,
a voice began to set in the distance
Gentle the voice, soothing it was
I could hear her say,
"Sorry about the ball"
In silence, I said," I know"
Then she said," I meant to throw a stone at your head"
To be continued....
One of those days you wish you had a clone
A clone to go around and increase your chances
Chances of meeting that one beautiful one
The damsel who would make every night the beginning of a new day
I set out to check on the clay I had molded yesterday
Went down on my knees to touch it and see if its strong now
A beach ball came across and struck my head...
as I looked up to see where it came from
The sun casts its glow in my eyes
like the scale in Saul's eyes
My sight was hindered, but not enough for me to know that an exciting figure was approaching me
The closer the figure approached me, the better my sight.
Emancipating in my view was the lady I had dreamed about for nights now
She was beautiful, wonderfully and skillfully crafted
Skin toned like the colour of the sand on which she walked
Her walk was like that of a goddess, gently moving
Gracious was the way she carried herself
Delirious was the way I felt
She would come close
close enough I could see all of her
not in anyway deterred by the rays of the sun
Im thinking,"With her, I will never mourn"
She looks me straight in the eyes
I knew she knows no lies
Flawless were her thighs
Oh, they were such a beautiful sight
With her right hand, she held my jaw
raised my face as if to make me get up
Sadly I could not rise to her
Numb my feet had become
Nimble I wish my fingers would be
So I could stroke the fullness of her hair
the caress the smoothness of her skin
the curves of her waist
the parabola of her behind.
In the lost space of my mind,
a voice began to set in the distance
Gentle the voice, soothing it was
I could hear her say,
"Sorry about the ball"
In silence, I said," I know"
Then she said," I meant to throw a stone at your head"
To be continued....
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
What is gender superiority? Should I exist? Do women have to fight for equality( in some extreme case by some people, to be superior)? Why cant men and women share their advantages and disadvantages for the good of mankind? By how much is our inner consciousness in line with patriarchy? I have always known the good of women but never has this light been shed on this. We, both men and women, need women for our every existence and survival. It has become the most simple rule of survival today, just like biology will tell you basic survival instinct: Survival of the fittest. Who is the fittest?
A woman provides essentials and attempts to resolving problems.She is psychologically satisfying. Setbacks ensues from the mismanagement of her gifts and failing to cultivate the mother within. Deeply rooted in Chinua Achebe's novel, " THINGS FALL APART", (which I am acting a play on. Oct 2nd at Kailash Mital Theatre, 6PM), I have come to realize something. WE NEED WOMEN MORE THAN WE ACT LIKE WE DO.
Okonkwo, both macho and sexist, is permanently in a state of denial about his feminine side, even as he unconsciously searches for his alien mother. Substituting his favourite daughter for her as a palliative, he finally thrives when he finds the maternal source: when circumstances force him to live with his mother's relations. Remember these lines from the book or except to hear it in the forthcoming play: " A man belongs to his fatherland when things are good and life is sweet. But when there is sorrow and unhappiness, he finds solace or refuge in his motherland. Your mother is there to protect you". Why is it that when a child gets beaten by his father, he runs to his mother's arms? Why? Once Okonkwo abandons his motherland and journeys back to his fatherland, his life takes a turn for the worse, ending his life tragically, after been confronted with the harsh face of colonialism, unprotected by the maternal principles. I believe that like Okonkwo, most men, no matter how macho we appear to be, are unconsciously waiting for women to release them from the trap of fatherland, the suicidal trappings holding them captive in their father's house. Even the legendary tortoise, in dire straits, always finds a way out of his dilemma. The men have turned turtle, they need the maternal principle to help to turn them back up, to reinstate them, so that all can act concertedly for the progress of mankind. Now even for those who believe in "juju" or as some will call it, "african magic", it reflects the ethics of dependency-the belief that the all-powerful mother, with her supernatural juju, will make everything all right. This cannot more be echoed than when I cast a female for Okagbue in the upcoming play, or the naming of Ezeani, the goddess of the soil in the book. How coincidental. To therefore accomplish this feat, women need extra empowerment. Where best does this empowerment come from, if not from men who run to them in times of weakness? Even more sadly for the majority is that women rarely question female self-effacement, accepting the idea that men should be supported for the commonweal. The lesson that needs to be passed on is that a strong community is born only when support is mutual, and strong women are not chased to the periphery. I think in truth, men fear the secret ways women manage to survive in spite of great hardships. This is a gift they are naturally endowed with and we all must come to realize this. Women must come to appreciate this and men must understand this, knowing well that in times of good, remember to see the good in a woman so you can run into her bossom when times are bad. Even in literary terms, or with the present day, the most hardcore male or bonafide player, who is untouched by the inner feelings of emotions from a female ( otherwise too), will always have his masculinity dampened by what most call "woman like nature". Yes, I know what I am saying. Moments of teardrops, flashes of romantic episodes, inklings of a females influence on your being. We all must learn to see the light cast by womanhood. We all must love women for all they are, for even in the darkest moments, they are capable of good. It is their most basic instinct.
Inspiration from the following:
AFRICAN WOMAN PALAVA by Ogunyemi Chikwenye
THINGS FALL APART by Chinua Achebe
A woman provides essentials and attempts to resolving problems.She is psychologically satisfying. Setbacks ensues from the mismanagement of her gifts and failing to cultivate the mother within. Deeply rooted in Chinua Achebe's novel, " THINGS FALL APART", (which I am acting a play on. Oct 2nd at Kailash Mital Theatre, 6PM), I have come to realize something. WE NEED WOMEN MORE THAN WE ACT LIKE WE DO.
Okonkwo, both macho and sexist, is permanently in a state of denial about his feminine side, even as he unconsciously searches for his alien mother. Substituting his favourite daughter for her as a palliative, he finally thrives when he finds the maternal source: when circumstances force him to live with his mother's relations. Remember these lines from the book or except to hear it in the forthcoming play: " A man belongs to his fatherland when things are good and life is sweet. But when there is sorrow and unhappiness, he finds solace or refuge in his motherland. Your mother is there to protect you". Why is it that when a child gets beaten by his father, he runs to his mother's arms? Why? Once Okonkwo abandons his motherland and journeys back to his fatherland, his life takes a turn for the worse, ending his life tragically, after been confronted with the harsh face of colonialism, unprotected by the maternal principles. I believe that like Okonkwo, most men, no matter how macho we appear to be, are unconsciously waiting for women to release them from the trap of fatherland, the suicidal trappings holding them captive in their father's house. Even the legendary tortoise, in dire straits, always finds a way out of his dilemma. The men have turned turtle, they need the maternal principle to help to turn them back up, to reinstate them, so that all can act concertedly for the progress of mankind. Now even for those who believe in "juju" or as some will call it, "african magic", it reflects the ethics of dependency-the belief that the all-powerful mother, with her supernatural juju, will make everything all right. This cannot more be echoed than when I cast a female for Okagbue in the upcoming play, or the naming of Ezeani, the goddess of the soil in the book. How coincidental. To therefore accomplish this feat, women need extra empowerment. Where best does this empowerment come from, if not from men who run to them in times of weakness? Even more sadly for the majority is that women rarely question female self-effacement, accepting the idea that men should be supported for the commonweal. The lesson that needs to be passed on is that a strong community is born only when support is mutual, and strong women are not chased to the periphery. I think in truth, men fear the secret ways women manage to survive in spite of great hardships. This is a gift they are naturally endowed with and we all must come to realize this. Women must come to appreciate this and men must understand this, knowing well that in times of good, remember to see the good in a woman so you can run into her bossom when times are bad. Even in literary terms, or with the present day, the most hardcore male or bonafide player, who is untouched by the inner feelings of emotions from a female ( otherwise too), will always have his masculinity dampened by what most call "woman like nature". Yes, I know what I am saying. Moments of teardrops, flashes of romantic episodes, inklings of a females influence on your being. We all must learn to see the light cast by womanhood. We all must love women for all they are, for even in the darkest moments, they are capable of good. It is their most basic instinct.
Inspiration from the following:
AFRICAN WOMAN PALAVA by Ogunyemi Chikwenye
THINGS FALL APART by Chinua Achebe
Saturday, September 5, 2009
9 Ways to Make Your Relationship Last
I would very much like to see people work things out, if they can. I have come to realize that if couples try one or more of the following 9 suggestions, they may be able to keep their relationship from hitting the rocks in the first place.
1. Delineate "yours," "mine," and "ours." If you have finances that should be placed in each of these three categories (for example, you have an inheritance and he has a savings account he accumulated before the marriage, and you also have a checking account to which you both contribute), have an upfront conversation about those assets and what belongs to whom. Moreover, talk about your time away from "together" activities, like he wants to bowl with the guys on Tuesday nights and you want to attend your yoga class on Wednesday. Respect these important delineations. Doing so will make the relationship stronger.
2. Carve out time to be together. Sure, you're busy working and attending meetings, but how important are those things if your relationship falls apart? Make time to do things together that you both enjoy. This could be anything from grocery shopping to taking in a movie. Take regular vacations together -- at least a couple of long weekends and, better yet, a couple of long vacations (more than a weekend jaunt). Commit to a weekly date night and make it as unbreakable as that all-important staff meeting at work.
3. Take care of yourself. Spend time every day on your appearance and your physical well-being. Work out regularly, eat healthy, and stay fit. Not only will your partner like looking at you, but you'll feel better about yourself.
4. Make sure communication goes both ways. Many relationships fail because of misunderstandings. Effective communication skills are necessary if your relationship is going to survive. If there is a hint or vibe that your partner is disconnected or you are unhappy about something, do not ignore those signals or feelings. Approach your mate and suggest an open discussion. You may be frustrated, angry, or hurt and so may he or she, but always stay calm and reasonable. Your goal should be to resolve differences, and the only viable way of doing so is through open and direct communication.
5. Criticize gently. Don't judge too harshly. If you criticize, do so in the same way you would want others to criticize you. Be kind and considerate.
6. Never stop courting one another. Gifts, compliments, and a loving embrace go a long way, especially when they are a surprise. Send unexpected greeting cards, slap a Post-It note where you know your mate will find it, keep those flowers coming in a "just because" way. Treat your partner with the same courtesies you did when you were dating. A terrific mindset is to pretend you are trying to win your partner all over again.
7. Keep the flame burning. Keep your romance alive despite the chaos and craziness life can present from living in the midst of sheer reality. Resolve to offer up romantic suggestions for your partner's pleasure, even if only occasionally, like cooking her favorite meal when you know she's had an impossible day, or entice him into a bubble bath with you just for the fun of it. Little gestures like these from time to time can ensure that the flame you once had burns forever.
8. Spell out your terms of endearment. Call out the expectations for one another in the form of the "terms" of your relationship together. Put them in a contract, if you like. This contract will simply clarify and document those needs and wants that mean a lot to you. For example, though he typically runs late, your agreement might specify those times when he agrees not to be late; she may agree to keep her spending at a certain limit, though she typically has little restraint as she traipses through the mall. Discussing these boundaries, as well as your needs and wants, can prevent either of you from stepping over the line and causing irritation. It is often the disappointments (needs and wants, gone unexpressed) that bring down a relationship.
9. Renegotiate your contract. Your relationship will evolve, and your needs and wants will change right along with it. Once a year, it's a good idea to review, update, or revise your contract with each other -- whether it is verbal or written. Be mindful, however, not to allow such a "contract" to ruin your relationship.
1. Delineate "yours," "mine," and "ours." If you have finances that should be placed in each of these three categories (for example, you have an inheritance and he has a savings account he accumulated before the marriage, and you also have a checking account to which you both contribute), have an upfront conversation about those assets and what belongs to whom. Moreover, talk about your time away from "together" activities, like he wants to bowl with the guys on Tuesday nights and you want to attend your yoga class on Wednesday. Respect these important delineations. Doing so will make the relationship stronger.
2. Carve out time to be together. Sure, you're busy working and attending meetings, but how important are those things if your relationship falls apart? Make time to do things together that you both enjoy. This could be anything from grocery shopping to taking in a movie. Take regular vacations together -- at least a couple of long weekends and, better yet, a couple of long vacations (more than a weekend jaunt). Commit to a weekly date night and make it as unbreakable as that all-important staff meeting at work.
3. Take care of yourself. Spend time every day on your appearance and your physical well-being. Work out regularly, eat healthy, and stay fit. Not only will your partner like looking at you, but you'll feel better about yourself.
4. Make sure communication goes both ways. Many relationships fail because of misunderstandings. Effective communication skills are necessary if your relationship is going to survive. If there is a hint or vibe that your partner is disconnected or you are unhappy about something, do not ignore those signals or feelings. Approach your mate and suggest an open discussion. You may be frustrated, angry, or hurt and so may he or she, but always stay calm and reasonable. Your goal should be to resolve differences, and the only viable way of doing so is through open and direct communication.
5. Criticize gently. Don't judge too harshly. If you criticize, do so in the same way you would want others to criticize you. Be kind and considerate.
6. Never stop courting one another. Gifts, compliments, and a loving embrace go a long way, especially when they are a surprise. Send unexpected greeting cards, slap a Post-It note where you know your mate will find it, keep those flowers coming in a "just because" way. Treat your partner with the same courtesies you did when you were dating. A terrific mindset is to pretend you are trying to win your partner all over again.
7. Keep the flame burning. Keep your romance alive despite the chaos and craziness life can present from living in the midst of sheer reality. Resolve to offer up romantic suggestions for your partner's pleasure, even if only occasionally, like cooking her favorite meal when you know she's had an impossible day, or entice him into a bubble bath with you just for the fun of it. Little gestures like these from time to time can ensure that the flame you once had burns forever.
8. Spell out your terms of endearment. Call out the expectations for one another in the form of the "terms" of your relationship together. Put them in a contract, if you like. This contract will simply clarify and document those needs and wants that mean a lot to you. For example, though he typically runs late, your agreement might specify those times when he agrees not to be late; she may agree to keep her spending at a certain limit, though she typically has little restraint as she traipses through the mall. Discussing these boundaries, as well as your needs and wants, can prevent either of you from stepping over the line and causing irritation. It is often the disappointments (needs and wants, gone unexpressed) that bring down a relationship.
9. Renegotiate your contract. Your relationship will evolve, and your needs and wants will change right along with it. Once a year, it's a good idea to review, update, or revise your contract with each other -- whether it is verbal or written. Be mindful, however, not to allow such a "contract" to ruin your relationship.
Monday, August 24, 2009
My interview with WORDSONTHESTREET
WOTS: Nice to finally get a chance to speak with you.
SO: Its a pleasure. You make me feel so hard to reach.
WOTS: What exactly are you trying to do?
SO: THINGS FALL APART, a book widely read around the world is what we are cooking in the kitchen[laughs]...This play is been billed to show in September at Carleton University's Kilash Mittal Theatre, a 444 human capacity space. We plan to bring up different attributes of old culture, and set up various themes in the light you have never seen them before...Masculinity, faith, culture, Appearance vs. Reality, religion, and so many more...Chauvinism and the list continues...
WOTS: I see you have something really big planned for us.Did you tell me earlier that you did not have full details for potential viewers about the play?
SO: Yes, when this idea came to me in April, I had decided I would start working on it in May, once exams were done as I still a student. May came and I never got to it, due to circumstances beyond my control. By June, I had started to hold auditions, work on the script and all that...This delay caused me to have to move my Original premiere date of September 19th to an unknown future date as I do not plan to bring a play that is not fully ready. Fully ready means acting performed to excellence, lighting and sound, costumes, props and all other details must be on point before I showcase to the world.
WOTS: I heard Chinua Achebe is coming to the play?
SO: In truth, I cannot confirm that yet. We have contacted him and once we reach an agreement or non agreement, I would let you know. I do not want to raise anyone's hope.
WOTS: I see you have this all figured out. I am so excited and cannot wait to see this play. I would definitely make the trip down to Ottawa to see it. Any last words for now?
SO: First of all, I want to thank God for giving me the grace to be alive and healthy. Also thank him for this idea and the people he has been putting my way to be a part of the play, my cast and production crew..Wuyi, Jeti, Chioma, Karen and so many more...Constantly visit our website as we would be updating it with details as soon as we get them. it is http://thingsfallapart09.weebly.com/. Thank you very much for reaching out to me and I am sorry it was so difficult to set the time out for this interview.
WOTS: It is a honour and we are proud to be the first to hear from you on this. Have a great day
SO: Its a pleasure. You make me feel so hard to reach.
WOTS: What exactly are you trying to do?
SO: THINGS FALL APART, a book widely read around the world is what we are cooking in the kitchen[laughs]...This play is been billed to show in September at Carleton University's Kilash Mittal Theatre, a 444 human capacity space. We plan to bring up different attributes of old culture, and set up various themes in the light you have never seen them before...Masculinity, faith, culture, Appearance vs. Reality, religion, and so many more...Chauvinism and the list continues...
WOTS: I see you have something really big planned for us.Did you tell me earlier that you did not have full details for potential viewers about the play?
SO: Yes, when this idea came to me in April, I had decided I would start working on it in May, once exams were done as I still a student. May came and I never got to it, due to circumstances beyond my control. By June, I had started to hold auditions, work on the script and all that...This delay caused me to have to move my Original premiere date of September 19th to an unknown future date as I do not plan to bring a play that is not fully ready. Fully ready means acting performed to excellence, lighting and sound, costumes, props and all other details must be on point before I showcase to the world.
WOTS: I heard Chinua Achebe is coming to the play?
SO: In truth, I cannot confirm that yet. We have contacted him and once we reach an agreement or non agreement, I would let you know. I do not want to raise anyone's hope.
WOTS: I see you have this all figured out. I am so excited and cannot wait to see this play. I would definitely make the trip down to Ottawa to see it. Any last words for now?
SO: First of all, I want to thank God for giving me the grace to be alive and healthy. Also thank him for this idea and the people he has been putting my way to be a part of the play, my cast and production crew..Wuyi, Jeti, Chioma, Karen and so many more...Constantly visit our website as we would be updating it with details as soon as we get them. it is http://thingsfallapart09.weebly.com/. Thank you very much for reaching out to me and I am sorry it was so difficult to set the time out for this interview.
WOTS: It is a honour and we are proud to be the first to hear from you on this. Have a great day
Friday, August 21, 2009
CBN releases list of banks' huge debtors
LATE last night, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) made good the promise by its Governor, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi to publish the list of those who are indebted to the five banks, whose management were last Friday dissolved by the CBN.
Topping the list of the mega bad debtors is Ascot Offshore Nigeria Limited, which has N44.67 billion loan burden with Intercontinental Bank Plc. Its directors were named as Joey Chuma Obue, Samuel Aikhionbare, Henry Imasekha and Emmanuel Nwachukwu.
Also, Rockson Engineering Limited, with Mr. J.I.A Arumemi-Ikhide, owner of Arik Air and Mrs. Mary E. Arumemi-Ikhide as directors, is owing the same bank N36.99 billion.
Notore Chemical Industries Limited being operated by Onajite Okoloko was listed as owing Oceanic Bank N32.39 billion, secured from Oceanic Bank, while the troubled Transnational Corporation Plc has N30.86 billion to pay Union Bank, with Dr. Ndi Okereke-Onyiuke listed as its director.
Falcon Securities Limited, with Peter Ololo, Simbabe Joseph and Emmanuel Ugbo as directors, is owing Afribank N29.5 billion. The company is again owing Oceanic Bank N22.26 billion. Also, Rahamaniyya Global Resources Limited, owned by Abdul Rahaman Musa Bashir has a non-performing loan of N28.59 billion with Oceanic Bank.
Mid-Western Oil and Gas Company Plc, owned by Onijite Okoloko and Adams Okonen has N23.86 billion to pay Oceanic Bank.
Surprisingly, Mr. Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede and Mr. Herbert Wigwe, managing director and deputy managing director of Access Bank Plc, respectively, are owing Intercontinental Bank N16.25 billion, through their company - United Alliance Company of Nigeria Plc.
Other top bad debtors listed by CBN include Mr. Femi Otedola, N12.8 billion (Intercontinental Bank) through his company, African Petroleum Plc and another N6.2 billion is owed Union Bank through his Zenon Oil; Mr. Oba Otudeko, immediate past president of Nigerian Stock Exchange, (NSE), N1.6 billion (Oceanic Bank) through Honeywell Group; and Mr. Jimoh Ibrahim, N14.78 billion (Oceanic Bank), through Global Fleet Industries Limited.
Forbe's rated richest man in Nigeria and NSE president, Alhaji Aliko Dangote also has a non-performing loan of N2.5 billion to clear with Oceanic Bank, secured through Dangote Industries Limited.
Prince Fredrick Akinruntan, owner of Obat Oil and Petroleum Company was also listed to be owing Oceanic Bank N4.47 billion.
On the whole, over N746.19 billion non-performing loans were recorded against the mega debtors in the five banks.
With N278.20 billion, Oceanic Bank recorded the highest volume of the non-performing loans, followed by Intercontinental Bank with N210.9 billion.
Afribank is being owed N141.86 billion; Union Bank N73.58 billion; and Finbank N42.45 billion.
CBN, in the advertorial, described the debtors as the largest and vowed to continue publishing the list of the defaulters on an on-going basis.
The apex bank said: "Following the recent regulatory action of the Central Bank of Nigeria on the five banks, it has become necessary to use this medium to request the following defaulting customers of the affected banks to pay without further delay, their indebtedness, failing which the banks will take appropriate legal actions to ensure repayment.
Topping the list of the mega bad debtors is Ascot Offshore Nigeria Limited, which has N44.67 billion loan burden with Intercontinental Bank Plc. Its directors were named as Joey Chuma Obue, Samuel Aikhionbare, Henry Imasekha and Emmanuel Nwachukwu.
Also, Rockson Engineering Limited, with Mr. J.I.A Arumemi-Ikhide, owner of Arik Air and Mrs. Mary E. Arumemi-Ikhide as directors, is owing the same bank N36.99 billion.
Notore Chemical Industries Limited being operated by Onajite Okoloko was listed as owing Oceanic Bank N32.39 billion, secured from Oceanic Bank, while the troubled Transnational Corporation Plc has N30.86 billion to pay Union Bank, with Dr. Ndi Okereke-Onyiuke listed as its director.
Falcon Securities Limited, with Peter Ololo, Simbabe Joseph and Emmanuel Ugbo as directors, is owing Afribank N29.5 billion. The company is again owing Oceanic Bank N22.26 billion. Also, Rahamaniyya Global Resources Limited, owned by Abdul Rahaman Musa Bashir has a non-performing loan of N28.59 billion with Oceanic Bank.
Mid-Western Oil and Gas Company Plc, owned by Onijite Okoloko and Adams Okonen has N23.86 billion to pay Oceanic Bank.
Surprisingly, Mr. Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede and Mr. Herbert Wigwe, managing director and deputy managing director of Access Bank Plc, respectively, are owing Intercontinental Bank N16.25 billion, through their company - United Alliance Company of Nigeria Plc.
Other top bad debtors listed by CBN include Mr. Femi Otedola, N12.8 billion (Intercontinental Bank) through his company, African Petroleum Plc and another N6.2 billion is owed Union Bank through his Zenon Oil; Mr. Oba Otudeko, immediate past president of Nigerian Stock Exchange, (NSE), N1.6 billion (Oceanic Bank) through Honeywell Group; and Mr. Jimoh Ibrahim, N14.78 billion (Oceanic Bank), through Global Fleet Industries Limited.
Forbe's rated richest man in Nigeria and NSE president, Alhaji Aliko Dangote also has a non-performing loan of N2.5 billion to clear with Oceanic Bank, secured through Dangote Industries Limited.
Prince Fredrick Akinruntan, owner of Obat Oil and Petroleum Company was also listed to be owing Oceanic Bank N4.47 billion.
On the whole, over N746.19 billion non-performing loans were recorded against the mega debtors in the five banks.
With N278.20 billion, Oceanic Bank recorded the highest volume of the non-performing loans, followed by Intercontinental Bank with N210.9 billion.
Afribank is being owed N141.86 billion; Union Bank N73.58 billion; and Finbank N42.45 billion.
CBN, in the advertorial, described the debtors as the largest and vowed to continue publishing the list of the defaulters on an on-going basis.
The apex bank said: "Following the recent regulatory action of the Central Bank of Nigeria on the five banks, it has become necessary to use this medium to request the following defaulting customers of the affected banks to pay without further delay, their indebtedness, failing which the banks will take appropriate legal actions to ensure repayment.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Taking Responsibility for Your Actions
Why is it so difficult for us to accept responsibility for our actions? There is a story of two parents with two children who attended 5 schools before 10th grade all within a 20 mile radius all because they claimed the schools were horrible and the teachers showed favoritism. At what point would these parents accept responsibility for their children's involvement in the problems they experienced?
We all like to feel important and have others have a high opinion of us. Some more than others develop an over-inflated view of themselves. These tendencies act to wrap us in what many call "denial", which creates a false perception of self and the inability to accept the truth about us. It then becomes painful to accept that mistakes are possible and when they do occur the first reaction is to point the finger at someone else. We refuse to think objectively and accept any involvement for our actions.
The inability to accept responsibility for our actions and behaviors is a result of insecurity. By accepting responsibility one feels they are admitting to being weak, powerless, or an opportunity to lose the respect of others. It may cause one to feel they will lose their sense of value and importance.
On the contrary, accepting responsibility earns you respect. We can't be perfect all the time, we all make mistakes. When we accept responsibility we are accepting the blame for our actions and also accepting the responsibility for making improvements in our lives. Accepting responsibility is a measure of one's self-worth, their level of security, and the true sign of strength and courage. It will empower you to grow in ways that would bring you great rewards and accomplishments in your life.
Who would you have greater respect for, a person who takes responsibility for his/her actions, owns up to it and promises to do better in the future, or someone who perpetually denies any involvement in situations when it's obvious they may be responsible?
Accepting responsibility is a sign of personal growth and maturity. It is definitely not a sign of weakness.
The Consequences for Not Taking Responsibility
When you fail to accept personal responsibility for your actions there are a series of events that follow over time. The consequences do not necessarily promote goal achievement and success in life. The signals you send to the subconscious can come back to sabotage your progress.
One of the negative consequences that follow is an exaggerated sense of self that makes it difficult to get along with others. You then run the risk of becoming involved in conflicting situations and becoming more critical of others. Because your perception of your importance is exaggerated, your expectation of others is unrealistic and you become impatient, intolerant, and demanding. With this attitude, you act as a repellant to others, finding it difficult to gain their cooperation. Your relationships can suffer and before long very few people would want to be around you.
When taking responsibility for your actions is difficult to accept, you experience frequent feelings of insecurity. These insecurities can trigger doubt about your own abilities, which undermines your self-confidence. In this state of mind you have a high need to be right at all times to compensate for what you feel you are lacking. You defend your every action, right or wrong. It compounds the already existing problem of being unable to accept personal responsibility and reinforces this behavior even more.
Once this habit of refusing to accept personal responsibility is maintained, your character can become slowly transformed. You may tend to become someone who is irresponsible, a quitter, reliant on others, disturbed, unhappy, hopeless, angry, irrational, and defiant. These qualities are not success enhancers. They can eat away at your ability to achieve your best.
Examine your life today. Are you able to accept responsibility for your actions?
Causes for Inability to Accept Personal Responsibility
There are many people who develop this tendency to be unable to accept personal responsibility for their actions. Let's look in more detail some of the causes of one's inability to adopt this characteristic.
1. Feelings of Insecurity. - There are some folks who may have been raised in a very chaotic environment where they were constantly put down, yelled at, or emotionally abused. There are some who grew up in an underprivileged environment and grew up with feelings of inferiority or were raised by parents who carried feelings of inferiority. Someone who didn't receive much attention, positive reinforcement, or recognition growing up, always feeling overlooked. These conditions can cause a lack of confidence in their own abilities along with feelings of low self-esteem.
2. Arrogance.- People develop arrogance for several reasons. It could have been inherited - some folks know very little about humility. Others are so over confident that they become completely self-centered and see themselves as flawless and incapable of making mistakes. There are those who are so insecure that their arrogance is a way of compensating for their insecurities. They feel they must act superior or arrogant to others.
3. Prejudices.- Some people who feel victims of racial discrimination, intolerance, or narrow-mindedness, are always on guard or on edge. They feel unable to get the recognition they deserve and feel that others stand in their way of progress. This triggers feelings of insecurities that results of the inability to accept responsibility for their actions. They refuse to accept responsibility for their actions.
What I have identified are only some of the underlying reasons why some of us cannot accept responsibility for our behavior. Does any of this sound familiar to you? Is so, this doesn't make you a bad person. You should be congratulated for recognizing these characteristics in you. Now that you are aware the next step is to making a change in your life.
How to Take Responsibility for your actions
Stop and think back to the last time you accepted responsibility for something. Does it seem as if you have a difficult time doing it? By accepting that you do have a problem in this area and learning ways of taking responsibility for your actions, you are taking your life to a higher level of existence. You will find yourself feeling more vibrant and happier.
So how can you learn to take responsibility for your actions?
# Realize that you cannot place the blame on others for the choices you make. Be fair in your dealings.
# Understanding that it's ok to make mistakes. No one will think less of you. On the contrary you will earn the respect of others for admitting your errors.
# Seek to improve your self-esteem When your self-esteem is high, your self-perception and self-worth is so peaked that there's no need to pretend to be something you're not. There's no more need to feel sorry for yourself. There are no more feelings of inferiority. Admitting your poor judgment in a situation and taking responsibility comes easily.
# Build your self-confidence When you are confident in your abilities, you won't become defensive when you make a mistake. Owning your contribution to a situation and taking responsibility becomes natural.
# Giving of yourself in service to others, teachers empathy and compassion, characteristics that helps one to overcome self-centeredness.
# Learn ways to let go of fear. Fear can create insecurities.
# Acceptance of who you are. Learn to love yourself unconditionally and accept who you are.
# Learn how to see things objectively without bias and prejudice.
# Let go of bigotry.
# Let go of feelings of victimization. Learn to see yourself as a victor and not a victim.
# Develop your spiritual life. By adding a spiritual dimension to your life, it can help to bring more self-awareness.
Take your degree of success to a higher to level.
We all like to feel important and have others have a high opinion of us. Some more than others develop an over-inflated view of themselves. These tendencies act to wrap us in what many call "denial", which creates a false perception of self and the inability to accept the truth about us. It then becomes painful to accept that mistakes are possible and when they do occur the first reaction is to point the finger at someone else. We refuse to think objectively and accept any involvement for our actions.
The inability to accept responsibility for our actions and behaviors is a result of insecurity. By accepting responsibility one feels they are admitting to being weak, powerless, or an opportunity to lose the respect of others. It may cause one to feel they will lose their sense of value and importance.
On the contrary, accepting responsibility earns you respect. We can't be perfect all the time, we all make mistakes. When we accept responsibility we are accepting the blame for our actions and also accepting the responsibility for making improvements in our lives. Accepting responsibility is a measure of one's self-worth, their level of security, and the true sign of strength and courage. It will empower you to grow in ways that would bring you great rewards and accomplishments in your life.
Who would you have greater respect for, a person who takes responsibility for his/her actions, owns up to it and promises to do better in the future, or someone who perpetually denies any involvement in situations when it's obvious they may be responsible?
Accepting responsibility is a sign of personal growth and maturity. It is definitely not a sign of weakness.
The Consequences for Not Taking Responsibility
When you fail to accept personal responsibility for your actions there are a series of events that follow over time. The consequences do not necessarily promote goal achievement and success in life. The signals you send to the subconscious can come back to sabotage your progress.
One of the negative consequences that follow is an exaggerated sense of self that makes it difficult to get along with others. You then run the risk of becoming involved in conflicting situations and becoming more critical of others. Because your perception of your importance is exaggerated, your expectation of others is unrealistic and you become impatient, intolerant, and demanding. With this attitude, you act as a repellant to others, finding it difficult to gain their cooperation. Your relationships can suffer and before long very few people would want to be around you.
When taking responsibility for your actions is difficult to accept, you experience frequent feelings of insecurity. These insecurities can trigger doubt about your own abilities, which undermines your self-confidence. In this state of mind you have a high need to be right at all times to compensate for what you feel you are lacking. You defend your every action, right or wrong. It compounds the already existing problem of being unable to accept personal responsibility and reinforces this behavior even more.
Once this habit of refusing to accept personal responsibility is maintained, your character can become slowly transformed. You may tend to become someone who is irresponsible, a quitter, reliant on others, disturbed, unhappy, hopeless, angry, irrational, and defiant. These qualities are not success enhancers. They can eat away at your ability to achieve your best.
Examine your life today. Are you able to accept responsibility for your actions?
Causes for Inability to Accept Personal Responsibility
There are many people who develop this tendency to be unable to accept personal responsibility for their actions. Let's look in more detail some of the causes of one's inability to adopt this characteristic.
1. Feelings of Insecurity. - There are some folks who may have been raised in a very chaotic environment where they were constantly put down, yelled at, or emotionally abused. There are some who grew up in an underprivileged environment and grew up with feelings of inferiority or were raised by parents who carried feelings of inferiority. Someone who didn't receive much attention, positive reinforcement, or recognition growing up, always feeling overlooked. These conditions can cause a lack of confidence in their own abilities along with feelings of low self-esteem.
2. Arrogance.- People develop arrogance for several reasons. It could have been inherited - some folks know very little about humility. Others are so over confident that they become completely self-centered and see themselves as flawless and incapable of making mistakes. There are those who are so insecure that their arrogance is a way of compensating for their insecurities. They feel they must act superior or arrogant to others.
3. Prejudices.- Some people who feel victims of racial discrimination, intolerance, or narrow-mindedness, are always on guard or on edge. They feel unable to get the recognition they deserve and feel that others stand in their way of progress. This triggers feelings of insecurities that results of the inability to accept responsibility for their actions. They refuse to accept responsibility for their actions.
What I have identified are only some of the underlying reasons why some of us cannot accept responsibility for our behavior. Does any of this sound familiar to you? Is so, this doesn't make you a bad person. You should be congratulated for recognizing these characteristics in you. Now that you are aware the next step is to making a change in your life.
How to Take Responsibility for your actions
Stop and think back to the last time you accepted responsibility for something. Does it seem as if you have a difficult time doing it? By accepting that you do have a problem in this area and learning ways of taking responsibility for your actions, you are taking your life to a higher level of existence. You will find yourself feeling more vibrant and happier.
So how can you learn to take responsibility for your actions?
# Realize that you cannot place the blame on others for the choices you make. Be fair in your dealings.
# Understanding that it's ok to make mistakes. No one will think less of you. On the contrary you will earn the respect of others for admitting your errors.
# Seek to improve your self-esteem When your self-esteem is high, your self-perception and self-worth is so peaked that there's no need to pretend to be something you're not. There's no more need to feel sorry for yourself. There are no more feelings of inferiority. Admitting your poor judgment in a situation and taking responsibility comes easily.
# Build your self-confidence When you are confident in your abilities, you won't become defensive when you make a mistake. Owning your contribution to a situation and taking responsibility becomes natural.
# Giving of yourself in service to others, teachers empathy and compassion, characteristics that helps one to overcome self-centeredness.
# Learn ways to let go of fear. Fear can create insecurities.
# Acceptance of who you are. Learn to love yourself unconditionally and accept who you are.
# Learn how to see things objectively without bias and prejudice.
# Let go of bigotry.
# Let go of feelings of victimization. Learn to see yourself as a victor and not a victim.
# Develop your spiritual life. By adding a spiritual dimension to your life, it can help to bring more self-awareness.
Take your degree of success to a higher to level.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Arsenal Season Preview
ALMUNIA: Underrated. He improved as 08/09 wore on, as proven by a remarkable run from November to March during which we conceded only 14 goals in all competitions. When he got injured, the goals poured in. Fabianski is not yet a reliable deputy.
GALLAS: �The Strop at St Andrews� made him an easy target, but his ability as a defender is unquestionable. Once the captaincy fiasco ended last November, Gallas emerged a true professional�kept his head down, mouth shut, and worked hard. He�s a better captain without the armband.
VERMAELEN: Shown signs in pre-season that Toure will not be missed. Not as quick as the Ivorian, but he has the positional sense and discipline required to address our Achilles heel: set pieces and crosses. Much was made of his height when he first arrived, but a prodigious leap more than compensates.
CLICHY: Tireless and full of pace. However, his otherwise stellar defending can be undone by surprisingly frequent and costly mistakes�a slip, a mistimed tackle, a trailing leg. With better concentration he can cut out these errors, and, hopefully, improve his crossing at the other end.
SAGNA: His dependability and discipline has helped shore up our defence, but compared to 07/08, Sagna�s form in 08/09 was somewhat indifferent (partly due to injury). His previously realised potential indicates last season was a one-off; though, like Clichy, effective crossing remains an elusive skill.
DJOUROU: Worrying pre-season form only highlights our fragility in defence when one of or both Gallas and Vermaelen get injured. It�s disappointing, because Djourou looked decent when he played last season. Our other back-ups�Senderos, Song, and Silvestre�are no better or worse, and thus CB remains our most vulnerable position.
FABREGAS: An injury last December ended an average (by his standards) first half to the season, and it was clear upon his return for the run-in that he was still recovering. Encouragingly, his form this summer for Spain and in pre-season suggests that he�s back to his string-pulling (and scoring?) best.
DENILSON / SONG: Neither fill us with confidence. Wenger experimented with both at DM in 08/09 with varying success, but our lack of bite in midfield last season should also be attributed to the players around them. Departures and injuries meant that support came from the likes of Eboue, Walcott, and Nasri, rather than Rosicky, Hleb, Gilberto, Flamini, and, for large spells, Fabregas. A new DM seems unlikely, so Denilson and Song will have to step up.
ARSHAVIN: Indispensable. We haven�t had a player like him since Pires�and perhaps Bergkamp�in the sense that he can almost effortlessly create something out of nothing. To his creativity, Arshavin adds speed and an eye for goal. Our chances of silverware are greater if he stays fit and sharp.
ROSICKY: Not as prolific as Arshavin, but just as important. When Rosicky plays we look a more balanced side, particularly because he contributes equally to defence and attack. He�s intelligent, quick, and surprisingly tough in the tackle. The problem, of course, is that nobody knows how often he�ll play.
WALCOTT: Sprinting into the final third is fine, but what you do with the ball when you get there is more important. Walcott lacks composure, and whether this is simply a matter of inexperience remains to be seen. His performances for England over the summer did not fill Gooners with much optimism.
NASRI: Achieved cult status for some important goals in 08/09, but Nasri still has the tendency to go missing in games. Given his natural ability, one can expect Nasri to gradually assert himself more on the pitch. Not an automatic starter when Rosicky is fit.
DIABY: His strength and obvious skill are undone by a lack of stamina and vision. The big criticisms are that he can�t last an entire game, and that for all his dribbling, he can�t pick out a pass. Needs a run of games to prove his worth, but may not ever stay fit long enough to get it.
EBOUE: An great player to have as RB back-up, but still adds very little to the team when played at RM.
VAN PERSIE: Our most technically gifted player, he�s also matured into a valuable leader. Van Persie carried us almost single handedly through last winter when we lost Fabregas and Adebayor. He was our top scorer last season (so it seems churlish to criticize him) but could still be more clinical.
EDUARDO: The only poacher in our squad. What he lacks in pace, he makes up for in accuracy and close control. He�s one of the only players at Arsenal who makes me assume �goal� when he gets into a scoring position, a feeling I last had with Henry. Seems fit and ready to go.
BENDTNER: Comes in for a lot of abuse, which doesn�t square with a surprisingly good goal conversion rate. Has an excellent work ethic, and the belief of Wenger, but can he produce consistently against the very best?
VELA / RAMSEY / WILSHERE / GIBBS / TRAORE: Should feature heavily in our domestic cup campaigns, or more if injuries mount.
GALLAS: �The Strop at St Andrews� made him an easy target, but his ability as a defender is unquestionable. Once the captaincy fiasco ended last November, Gallas emerged a true professional�kept his head down, mouth shut, and worked hard. He�s a better captain without the armband.
VERMAELEN: Shown signs in pre-season that Toure will not be missed. Not as quick as the Ivorian, but he has the positional sense and discipline required to address our Achilles heel: set pieces and crosses. Much was made of his height when he first arrived, but a prodigious leap more than compensates.
CLICHY: Tireless and full of pace. However, his otherwise stellar defending can be undone by surprisingly frequent and costly mistakes�a slip, a mistimed tackle, a trailing leg. With better concentration he can cut out these errors, and, hopefully, improve his crossing at the other end.
SAGNA: His dependability and discipline has helped shore up our defence, but compared to 07/08, Sagna�s form in 08/09 was somewhat indifferent (partly due to injury). His previously realised potential indicates last season was a one-off; though, like Clichy, effective crossing remains an elusive skill.
DJOUROU: Worrying pre-season form only highlights our fragility in defence when one of or both Gallas and Vermaelen get injured. It�s disappointing, because Djourou looked decent when he played last season. Our other back-ups�Senderos, Song, and Silvestre�are no better or worse, and thus CB remains our most vulnerable position.
FABREGAS: An injury last December ended an average (by his standards) first half to the season, and it was clear upon his return for the run-in that he was still recovering. Encouragingly, his form this summer for Spain and in pre-season suggests that he�s back to his string-pulling (and scoring?) best.
DENILSON / SONG: Neither fill us with confidence. Wenger experimented with both at DM in 08/09 with varying success, but our lack of bite in midfield last season should also be attributed to the players around them. Departures and injuries meant that support came from the likes of Eboue, Walcott, and Nasri, rather than Rosicky, Hleb, Gilberto, Flamini, and, for large spells, Fabregas. A new DM seems unlikely, so Denilson and Song will have to step up.
ARSHAVIN: Indispensable. We haven�t had a player like him since Pires�and perhaps Bergkamp�in the sense that he can almost effortlessly create something out of nothing. To his creativity, Arshavin adds speed and an eye for goal. Our chances of silverware are greater if he stays fit and sharp.
ROSICKY: Not as prolific as Arshavin, but just as important. When Rosicky plays we look a more balanced side, particularly because he contributes equally to defence and attack. He�s intelligent, quick, and surprisingly tough in the tackle. The problem, of course, is that nobody knows how often he�ll play.
WALCOTT: Sprinting into the final third is fine, but what you do with the ball when you get there is more important. Walcott lacks composure, and whether this is simply a matter of inexperience remains to be seen. His performances for England over the summer did not fill Gooners with much optimism.
NASRI: Achieved cult status for some important goals in 08/09, but Nasri still has the tendency to go missing in games. Given his natural ability, one can expect Nasri to gradually assert himself more on the pitch. Not an automatic starter when Rosicky is fit.
DIABY: His strength and obvious skill are undone by a lack of stamina and vision. The big criticisms are that he can�t last an entire game, and that for all his dribbling, he can�t pick out a pass. Needs a run of games to prove his worth, but may not ever stay fit long enough to get it.
EBOUE: An great player to have as RB back-up, but still adds very little to the team when played at RM.
VAN PERSIE: Our most technically gifted player, he�s also matured into a valuable leader. Van Persie carried us almost single handedly through last winter when we lost Fabregas and Adebayor. He was our top scorer last season (so it seems churlish to criticize him) but could still be more clinical.
EDUARDO: The only poacher in our squad. What he lacks in pace, he makes up for in accuracy and close control. He�s one of the only players at Arsenal who makes me assume �goal� when he gets into a scoring position, a feeling I last had with Henry. Seems fit and ready to go.
BENDTNER: Comes in for a lot of abuse, which doesn�t square with a surprisingly good goal conversion rate. Has an excellent work ethic, and the belief of Wenger, but can he produce consistently against the very best?
VELA / RAMSEY / WILSHERE / GIBBS / TRAORE: Should feature heavily in our domestic cup campaigns, or more if injuries mount.
Friday, August 7, 2009
What is becoming of Nigeria?
If you are below the age of 18, you are not allowed to open this video. Parental and adult guidance is advised. Content is sexually explicit and discretion is advised.
With Nigeria being a country whose principles are embedded with morals and values, it is saddening and heart wrecking to come across pictures like this.
What you are about to see will shock you. Both are Zain staff and are married to different people. The story is that both went on leave outside Nigeria and during their escapades they took pictures of themselves and somehow misplaced the memory card and someone somehow got a hold of it and published them. The two lovers were later advised to resign by their company.
There is a question here to be asked? Have people always been like this or is it that the recent upsurge in our technological growth is what is opening our eyes to this? This and many more questions do I want you to ask yourself as you read this.
What a sad story.
Men and Women, love your spouse and remember the solemn vow you made to them. Do not go around sleeping with other peoples spouses or anyone else for that matter. We all should learn from this and know that what they say is true.
If you are below the age of 18, you are not allowed to open this video. Parental and adult guidance is advised. Content is sexually explicit and discretion is advised.
With Nigeria being a country whose principles are embedded with morals and values, it is saddening and heart wrecking to come across pictures like this.
What you are about to see will shock you. Both are Zain staff and are married to different people. The story is that both went on leave outside Nigeria and during their escapades they took pictures of themselves and somehow misplaced the memory card and someone somehow got a hold of it and published them. The two lovers were later advised to resign by their company.
There is a question here to be asked? Have people always been like this or is it that the recent upsurge in our technological growth is what is opening our eyes to this? This and many more questions do I want you to ask yourself as you read this.
What a sad story.
Men and Women, love your spouse and remember the solemn vow you made to them. Do not go around sleeping with other peoples spouses or anyone else for that matter. We all should learn from this and know that what they say is true.
99 days for the thief, 1 day for the owner...They have both disgraced themselves and their families and I hope they can find retribution in what they have done. As a young man, my lesson here is simple: Never depart from the teachings of my parents which tells me, " Anything you cannot do in public and in pride, stay far away from it." I love you, daddy and mummy for what you have thought me. I go astray from time to time, but I learn every time to come back closer to home. I am creating a new man in myself.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Its 50( Time to say thank you)
I have finally come to write my 50th posting on this blog and must follow Lolia's initiative, to thank and appreciate a couple of people. First of all, I must thank God for granting me a good life, though tough sometimes, I cannot complain. There are other people out there who would love to have my life. Ijizzle of bastille of beauty, thank you so much for reintroducing me to blogging and also for the creativity and genius you exude on a daily. Whether it be with your blog, your hair, your clothing, the bag/purse design( She is very good), you are truly an inspiration. I must not forget Dj Don 1 and Mr Elite, Michael Samuel. You both have been friends that can always be counted on, been there when called upon. Here is my special prayer. God, I ask of you to continually bless Open Secret( U are number 1), Gba be, Mr Jimi Chu, Steven the body builder and ofcourse, the one and only A-town. Your efforts on me will duly be rewarded by the giver of blessings.
What kind of person would I be if I do not thank Irene and Ify for the love and care you have shown me in time recent. Your clean hearts, good will and hard work will definitely be rewarded by God.
Special Mentions to my roomies, The Igbinedion Brothers, you two have been great and have been there through thick and thin.
Pastor Ralph Dartey and the Yeboah family, I want to say a big thank you for all your prayers and efforts towards me. May God prosper, multiply and enlarge your territory.
I also will take this opportunity to say safe journey to Pipi. Have a safe trip to the motherland. You are very much in my thought and just thought I let you know that you are a darling, beautiful and smart. Your hard work will not be overlooked by God himself.
What kind of son would I be if I do not appreciate my family. The ones who have molded me. All your tender loving care down the years, your constant prayer and unquenchable unequivocal love would I not forget and make the cornerstone of my heart. May God in his infinite mercies grant you all your dearest heart desires and make me the success you all have craved and worked for me to be. Daddy and Mummy, I love you.
Lastly, I must thank all those who have shown me care and love through the years.Whether it be at Carleton or SOC, Ottawa or Hamilton, I must say thank you. To the one who I have shared my most vulnerable moments in the last year with, I have always and will always love you.You know who you are. To Papillo, Wilfred and Michael Adicco,Abu, Awe, Chigo "Pretty" Aniemena, Ohita, Toke, King NSO, Kweku Winful, Bruce Addo, Jayden, Shewit, ella, D1, and the list goes on and on, I appreciate and will not trade any time I have spent with any of you. It was either fun filled or I learnt something from you. To Debs A, you are a rare gem.
What kind of person would I be if I do not thank Irene and Ify for the love and care you have shown me in time recent. Your clean hearts, good will and hard work will definitely be rewarded by God.
Special Mentions to my roomies, The Igbinedion Brothers, you two have been great and have been there through thick and thin.
Pastor Ralph Dartey and the Yeboah family, I want to say a big thank you for all your prayers and efforts towards me. May God prosper, multiply and enlarge your territory.
I also will take this opportunity to say safe journey to Pipi. Have a safe trip to the motherland. You are very much in my thought and just thought I let you know that you are a darling, beautiful and smart. Your hard work will not be overlooked by God himself.
What kind of son would I be if I do not appreciate my family. The ones who have molded me. All your tender loving care down the years, your constant prayer and unquenchable unequivocal love would I not forget and make the cornerstone of my heart. May God in his infinite mercies grant you all your dearest heart desires and make me the success you all have craved and worked for me to be. Daddy and Mummy, I love you.
Lastly, I must thank all those who have shown me care and love through the years.Whether it be at Carleton or SOC, Ottawa or Hamilton, I must say thank you. To the one who I have shared my most vulnerable moments in the last year with, I have always and will always love you.You know who you are. To Papillo, Wilfred and Michael Adicco,Abu, Awe, Chigo "Pretty" Aniemena, Ohita, Toke, King NSO, Kweku Winful, Bruce Addo, Jayden, Shewit, ella, D1, and the list goes on and on, I appreciate and will not trade any time I have spent with any of you. It was either fun filled or I learnt something from you. To Debs A, you are a rare gem.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
To begin this post today, I have come to the realization that Bryan Adams is my best artist of all time. Spending more time indoors recently, has allowed me much more time to listen to music, read notes and all that stuff and I could not get over how good Bryan Adams is. I have always known him to be good, just did not realize he was my best artist of all time...
Anyways to the reason for today's posting...The word for the day is FORGIVENESS. I have searched many places for what forgiveness is, and this is what I think describes it best.
Many a times in our lives, we are wronged by someone we had so much trust and confidence, and even even more so, sure they would not hurt us and in truth, they are the most likely to hurt you and hurt you enough to not want to forgive them. Hurt you enough to hold resentments towards yourself, others and those who hurt us. That we have been hurt by these people makes forgiving seem so difficult and scared. It makes the bibles principal teachings of forgiveness seem so complicated. In the bible, it says, “But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also.” Luke 6:27-29 (NIV). Also, it says, "TO ERR IS HUMAN, and TO FORGIVE IS DIVINE."
To make forgiveness seem easy, I forbid myself to do. It takes a lot to forgive. A lot of sacrifice and denial but in truth, you are better off forgiving someone than holding the resentment to yourself. A key part of forgiveness is that you free up your mind and I can guarantee you a happier life. Studies show that people who forgive are happier and healthier than those who hold resentments. The first study to look at how forgiveness improves physical health discovered that when people think about forgiving an offender it leads to improved functioning in their cardiovascular and nervous systems. Another study at the University of Wisconsin found the more forgiving people were, the less they suffered from a wide range of illnesses. The less forgiving people reported a greater number of health problems.
More important though is the fact that forgiveness can be learned. People who are taught how to forgive are found to be less angry, feel less hurt, are more optimistic, become more forgiving in a variety of situations, and become more compassionate and self-confident. Forgiving people and letting them know they are forgiven is also an integral step. Letting them know they have been forgiven helps them forgive themselves, change their otherwise saddening, regrettable life to one filled with the joy of the weight you have lifted off their shoulder.
The last step in forgiving is to make sure you not only forgive but you forget. Forgetting would require you to act good and 'normally' to the one you have forgiven, giving them a chance to prove they are changing or have changed. More on the note of FORGETTING later, though most believe these two, go hand in hand and hence the quote, "FORGIVE AND FORGET".
Have a great day and watch out for my 50th post as this is my 49th post since I started this blog...It will be a special post.
Anyways to the reason for today's posting...The word for the day is FORGIVENESS. I have searched many places for what forgiveness is, and this is what I think describes it best.
"It is the process of concluding resentment, indignation or anger as a result of a perceived offense, difference or mistake, and ceasing to demand punishment or restitution.
Many a times in our lives, we are wronged by someone we had so much trust and confidence, and even even more so, sure they would not hurt us and in truth, they are the most likely to hurt you and hurt you enough to not want to forgive them. Hurt you enough to hold resentments towards yourself, others and those who hurt us. That we have been hurt by these people makes forgiving seem so difficult and scared. It makes the bibles principal teachings of forgiveness seem so complicated. In the bible, it says, “But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also.” Luke 6:27-29 (NIV). Also, it says, "TO ERR IS HUMAN, and TO FORGIVE IS DIVINE."
To make forgiveness seem easy, I forbid myself to do. It takes a lot to forgive. A lot of sacrifice and denial but in truth, you are better off forgiving someone than holding the resentment to yourself. A key part of forgiveness is that you free up your mind and I can guarantee you a happier life. Studies show that people who forgive are happier and healthier than those who hold resentments. The first study to look at how forgiveness improves physical health discovered that when people think about forgiving an offender it leads to improved functioning in their cardiovascular and nervous systems. Another study at the University of Wisconsin found the more forgiving people were, the less they suffered from a wide range of illnesses. The less forgiving people reported a greater number of health problems.
More important though is the fact that forgiveness can be learned. People who are taught how to forgive are found to be less angry, feel less hurt, are more optimistic, become more forgiving in a variety of situations, and become more compassionate and self-confident. Forgiving people and letting them know they are forgiven is also an integral step. Letting them know they have been forgiven helps them forgive themselves, change their otherwise saddening, regrettable life to one filled with the joy of the weight you have lifted off their shoulder.
The last step in forgiving is to make sure you not only forgive but you forget. Forgetting would require you to act good and 'normally' to the one you have forgiven, giving them a chance to prove they are changing or have changed. More on the note of FORGETTING later, though most believe these two, go hand in hand and hence the quote, "FORGIVE AND FORGET".
Have a great day and watch out for my 50th post as this is my 49th post since I started this blog...It will be a special post.
Dear Tech Support,
Last week, my WIFE 1.0 made a complaint about how slow my overall performance is.I must say that the COOKING 4.2 and BODY MASSAGE 5.3 which operated flawlessly when I was still using GIRLFRIEND 5.0 seem to be nonexistent now.
In addition, WIFE 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as SEX 9.5 and ADVENTURE 6.5, and then installed undesirable programs such as
WORK 5.0,
BABY CARE 3.0 and
To its credit, Conversation 8.0 runs as normal, and Housecleaning 2.6 is even greater now.
Please note that I have tried running IGNORE 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail.
What can I do?
First, keep in mind,
GIRLFRIEND 5.0 is an Entertainment and Bragging Package, while WIFE 1.0 is an operating system.
Please enter command: youarenotthegirlIusedtoknow. html and try to download CONVERSATION 6.2 and do not forget to install the APOLOGY 3.0 update.
If that application works as designed,WIFE 1.0 should then automatically run the applications FOOD 2.0, SEX 9.5 and download the waitingformyhusbandtogethome torrent.
However, remember, overuse of the above application can cause WIFE 1.0 to default to ALCOHOL 2.5, MOOD SWING 7.0 or the MUST WE HAVE SEX EVERYDAY system update.
Please note that ALCOHOL 2.5 is a very bad program that will download the TIRED and ALWAYS SLEEPING virus.
Whatever you do, DO NOT under any circumstances install Mother-In-Law 1.0 (it runs a virus in the background that will eventually seize control of all your system resources.)
In addition, please do not attempt to reinstall the GIRLFRIEND5.0-program .These are unsupported applications and will crash WIFE 1.0 and in the long run your CPU(marriage) and PC(LIFE).
In summary, WIFE 1.0 is a great program, but it does have limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider buying additional software to improve memory and performance. We recommend Cooking 3.0, CONVERSATION 8.0, TENDER LOVING CARE 7.6 and Hot Lingerie 7.7.
Good Luck, DUDE!
Tech Support
Last week, my WIFE 1.0 made a complaint about how slow my overall performance is.I must say that the COOKING 4.2 and BODY MASSAGE 5.3 which operated flawlessly when I was still using GIRLFRIEND 5.0 seem to be nonexistent now.
In addition, WIFE 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as SEX 9.5 and ADVENTURE 6.5, and then installed undesirable programs such as
WORK 5.0,
BABY CARE 3.0 and
To its credit, Conversation 8.0 runs as normal, and Housecleaning 2.6 is even greater now.
Please note that I have tried running IGNORE 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail.
What can I do?
First, keep in mind,
GIRLFRIEND 5.0 is an Entertainment and Bragging Package, while WIFE 1.0 is an operating system.
Please enter command: youarenotthegirlIusedtoknow. html and try to download CONVERSATION 6.2 and do not forget to install the APOLOGY 3.0 update.
If that application works as designed,WIFE 1.0 should then automatically run the applications FOOD 2.0, SEX 9.5 and download the waitingformyhusbandtogethome torrent.
However, remember, overuse of the above application can cause WIFE 1.0 to default to ALCOHOL 2.5, MOOD SWING 7.0 or the MUST WE HAVE SEX EVERYDAY system update.
Please note that ALCOHOL 2.5 is a very bad program that will download the TIRED and ALWAYS SLEEPING virus.
Whatever you do, DO NOT under any circumstances install Mother-In-Law 1.0 (it runs a virus in the background that will eventually seize control of all your system resources.)
In addition, please do not attempt to reinstall the GIRLFRIEND5.0-program .These are unsupported applications and will crash WIFE 1.0 and in the long run your CPU(marriage) and PC(LIFE).
In summary, WIFE 1.0 is a great program, but it does have limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider buying additional software to improve memory and performance. We recommend Cooking 3.0, CONVERSATION 8.0, TENDER LOVING CARE 7.6 and Hot Lingerie 7.7.
Good Luck, DUDE!
Tech Support
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sharks In Your Life
The Japanese have always loved fresh fish. But the waters close to Japan have not held many fish for decades.
So to feed the Japanese population, fishing boats got bigger and went farther than ever. The farther the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring in the fish. If the return trip took more than a few days, the fish were not fresh. The Japanese did not like the taste.
To solve this problem, fishing companies installed freezers on their boats. They would catch the fish and freeze them at sea. Freezers allowed the boats to go farther and stay longer. However, the Japanese could taste the difference between fresh and frozen and they did not like frozen fish.
The frozen fish brought a lower price. So fishing companies installed fish tanks. They would catch the fish and stuff them in the tanks. After a little thrashing around, the fish stopped moving. They were tired and dull, but alive. Unfortunately, the Japanese could still taste the difference. Because the fish did not move for days, they lost their fresh-fish taste.
The Japanese preferred the lively taste of fresh fish, not sluggish fish. So how did Japanese fishing companies solve this problem? How do they get fresh-tasting fish to Japan ? If you were consulting the fish industry, what would you recommend?
How Japanese Fish Stay Fresh:
To keep the fish tasting fresh, the Japanese fishing companies still put the fish in the tanks. But now they add a small shark to each tank. The shark eats a few fish, but most of the fish arrive in a very lively state. The fish are challenged.
Have you realized that some of us are also living in a pond but most of the time tired & dull, so we need a Shark in our life to keep us awake and moving?
Basically in our lives Sharks are new challenges to keep us active and taste better..... The more intelligent, persistent and competent you are, the more you enjoy a challenge.
If your challenges are the correct size, and if you are steadily conquering those challenges, you are Conqueror.. You think of your challenges and get energized. You are excited to try new solutions. You have fun. You are alive!
Recommendations for us:
1. Instead of avoiding challenges, jump into them. Beat the heck out of them. Enjoy the game. If your challenges are too large or too numerous, do not give up. Failing makes you tired. Instead, reorganize. Find more determination, more knowledge, more help.
2. God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way.
3. Disappointments are like road bumps, they slow you down a bit but you enjoy the smooth road afterwards.. Don't stay on the bumps too long. Move on!
4. When you feel down because you didn't get what you want, just sit tight and be happy, because God has thought of something better to give you. When something happens to you, good or bad, consider what it means. There's a purpose to life's events, to teach you how to laugh more or not to cry too hard.
5. No one can go back and make a brand new start. But anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending
So to feed the Japanese population, fishing boats got bigger and went farther than ever. The farther the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring in the fish. If the return trip took more than a few days, the fish were not fresh. The Japanese did not like the taste.
To solve this problem, fishing companies installed freezers on their boats. They would catch the fish and freeze them at sea. Freezers allowed the boats to go farther and stay longer. However, the Japanese could taste the difference between fresh and frozen and they did not like frozen fish.
The frozen fish brought a lower price. So fishing companies installed fish tanks. They would catch the fish and stuff them in the tanks. After a little thrashing around, the fish stopped moving. They were tired and dull, but alive. Unfortunately, the Japanese could still taste the difference. Because the fish did not move for days, they lost their fresh-fish taste.
The Japanese preferred the lively taste of fresh fish, not sluggish fish. So how did Japanese fishing companies solve this problem? How do they get fresh-tasting fish to Japan ? If you were consulting the fish industry, what would you recommend?
How Japanese Fish Stay Fresh:
To keep the fish tasting fresh, the Japanese fishing companies still put the fish in the tanks. But now they add a small shark to each tank. The shark eats a few fish, but most of the fish arrive in a very lively state. The fish are challenged.
Have you realized that some of us are also living in a pond but most of the time tired & dull, so we need a Shark in our life to keep us awake and moving?
Basically in our lives Sharks are new challenges to keep us active and taste better..... The more intelligent, persistent and competent you are, the more you enjoy a challenge.
If your challenges are the correct size, and if you are steadily conquering those challenges, you are Conqueror.. You think of your challenges and get energized. You are excited to try new solutions. You have fun. You are alive!
Recommendations for us:
1. Instead of avoiding challenges, jump into them. Beat the heck out of them. Enjoy the game. If your challenges are too large or too numerous, do not give up. Failing makes you tired. Instead, reorganize. Find more determination, more knowledge, more help.
2. God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way.
3. Disappointments are like road bumps, they slow you down a bit but you enjoy the smooth road afterwards.. Don't stay on the bumps too long. Move on!
4. When you feel down because you didn't get what you want, just sit tight and be happy, because God has thought of something better to give you. When something happens to you, good or bad, consider what it means. There's a purpose to life's events, to teach you how to laugh more or not to cry too hard.
5. No one can go back and make a brand new start. But anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending
Dear Tech Support,
Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a distinct slow down in overall system performance, particularly in the flower and jewelry applications, which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.
In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, and then installed undesirable programs such as
NBA 5.0,
NFL 3.0 and
Golf Clubs 4.1.
Conversation 8.0 no longer runs, and Housecleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system.
Please note that I have tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail.
What can I do?
First, keep in mind,
Boyfriend 5.0 is an Entertainment Package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system.
Please enter command: ithoughtyoulovedme. html and try to download Tears 6.2 and do not forget to install the Guilt 3.0 update.
If that application works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewelry 2.0 and Flowers 3.5.
However, remember, overuse of the above application can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0or Beer 6.1.
Please note that Beer 6.1 is a very bad program that will download the Farting and Snoring Loudly Beta.
Whatever you do, DO NOT under any circumstances install Mother-In-Law 1.0 (it runs a virus in the background that will eventually seize control of all your system resources.)
In addition, please do not attempt to reinstall the Boyfriend 5.0-program .These are unsupported applications and will crash Husband 1.0.
In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider buying additional software to improve memory and performance. We recommend
Cooking 3.0 and
Hot Lingerie 7.7.
Good Luck, Babe!
Tech Support
www.cobbcounty. org
Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a distinct slow down in overall system performance, particularly in the flower and jewelry applications, which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.
In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, and then installed undesirable programs such as
NBA 5.0,
NFL 3.0 and
Golf Clubs 4.1.
Conversation 8.0 no longer runs, and Housecleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system.
Please note that I have tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail.
What can I do?
First, keep in mind,
Boyfriend 5.0 is an Entertainment Package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system.
Please enter command: ithoughtyoulovedme. html and try to download Tears 6.2 and do not forget to install the Guilt 3.0 update.
If that application works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewelry 2.0 and Flowers 3.5.
However, remember, overuse of the above application can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0or Beer 6.1.
Please note that Beer 6.1 is a very bad program that will download the Farting and Snoring Loudly Beta.
Whatever you do, DO NOT under any circumstances install Mother-In-Law 1.0 (it runs a virus in the background that will eventually seize control of all your system resources.)
In addition, please do not attempt to reinstall the Boyfriend 5.0-program .These are unsupported applications and will crash Husband 1.0.
In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider buying additional software to improve memory and performance. We recommend
Cooking 3.0 and
Hot Lingerie 7.7.
Good Luck, Babe!
Tech Support
www.cobbcounty. org
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Only You
When I stop to think,that you wont be there to smile when I wink
I wont be there to see you dressed in all pink
when I blink and you are not there, my hearts gonna sink
I cant sleep, cant eat, cant drink
When I think of you gone
A big part of my lifes all torn
in pieces and Jesus, I must have mixed right for wrong
For you to come, I will be twice as nice
I cannot stand to pay the price
I will do anything to see you come back to me
Dont leave me alone
I am in need of a home and a girl I will live with happily
Together, matter of fact we be, like the fruit from an apple tree
So I will plead for you to come back
Me and you is where the fun is at
We both know that, we love that
We have been there, we have done that
but we both still got a lot left to track
The Lover of my life
Please do not make me cry
The Lover of my life
Please never ever leave me alone
Please stay with me
Lover of my life
Girl you cannot do this to me
Your whole crew is in for me
They try to make you realize
We are both too simply too tight
They kind of know its smooth. right?
From a distance they know our love is like a boom mic
And I would hate to loose my only date to choose
Even Gods creations are all made in twos
So I say we cruise into the way we are supposed to be
girl you know you have gotta flow with me
And so we be the greatest lovers around
We can make a new whole world together
And be loving it now
We can take our love straight to the top
Maintain the same game forever while were making it hot
So do not try to think of breaking up( Guess you already did)
'Cos I can make it up to you
With all the love I stuff for you
In the middle of my thugs and crew
I still plead for you to stay with me (Come back to me)
'Cos Im in love with you
I could stay a whole week
without you no sleep
I figured that is because my thoughts go deep
Thinkin about you
And bringing my heart to the state of mind
Where i know that I am beginning to woo you
Where its my plea to get you right with me
And I will wait for you to come cos you truly fit me
and stay together through the weather like Bob and Whitney
An then we shine like the rims of a silver Bentley
You know I never loved no other like you
To hug a mother might do
It will make me show my hearts broken in two
I will give my life as a token for you
You might not know that I am choked up
But men Im still choking it through
You are my wife to be, my babies' mama to stay
And what you is, is what Id like to see
Come girl give your life to me
And Im a fight for the right to be your only man
and if I gotta fight then I'll fight for free.
When I think about you leaving I find myself grieving
Though it seems deceiving I'm still believing girl you'll stay with me forever
And I'll remain humbly kneeling while your heart is healing
Tear drops revealing the way that I'm feeling girl please stay with me forever
I wont be there to see you dressed in all pink
when I blink and you are not there, my hearts gonna sink
I cant sleep, cant eat, cant drink
When I think of you gone
A big part of my lifes all torn
in pieces and Jesus, I must have mixed right for wrong
For you to come, I will be twice as nice
I cannot stand to pay the price
I will do anything to see you come back to me
Dont leave me alone
I am in need of a home and a girl I will live with happily
Together, matter of fact we be, like the fruit from an apple tree
So I will plead for you to come back
Me and you is where the fun is at
We both know that, we love that
We have been there, we have done that
but we both still got a lot left to track
The Lover of my life
Please do not make me cry
The Lover of my life
Please never ever leave me alone
Please stay with me
Lover of my life
Girl you cannot do this to me
Your whole crew is in for me
They try to make you realize
We are both too simply too tight
They kind of know its smooth. right?
From a distance they know our love is like a boom mic
And I would hate to loose my only date to choose
Even Gods creations are all made in twos
So I say we cruise into the way we are supposed to be
girl you know you have gotta flow with me
And so we be the greatest lovers around
We can make a new whole world together
And be loving it now
We can take our love straight to the top
Maintain the same game forever while were making it hot
So do not try to think of breaking up( Guess you already did)
'Cos I can make it up to you
With all the love I stuff for you
In the middle of my thugs and crew
I still plead for you to stay with me (Come back to me)
'Cos Im in love with you
I could stay a whole week
without you no sleep
I figured that is because my thoughts go deep
Thinkin about you
And bringing my heart to the state of mind
Where i know that I am beginning to woo you
Where its my plea to get you right with me
And I will wait for you to come cos you truly fit me
and stay together through the weather like Bob and Whitney
An then we shine like the rims of a silver Bentley
You know I never loved no other like you
To hug a mother might do
It will make me show my hearts broken in two
I will give my life as a token for you
You might not know that I am choked up
But men Im still choking it through
You are my wife to be, my babies' mama to stay
And what you is, is what Id like to see
Come girl give your life to me
And Im a fight for the right to be your only man
and if I gotta fight then I'll fight for free.
When I think about you leaving I find myself grieving
Though it seems deceiving I'm still believing girl you'll stay with me forever
And I'll remain humbly kneeling while your heart is healing
Tear drops revealing the way that I'm feeling girl please stay with me forever
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
May Playlist
Styl plus- Longing for you
Styl plus- Runaway
Keri Hilson- Knock you down
Michael Jackson- The way you make me feel
Avant- I'm sorry
Hope- Who am I to say
Pleasure P-Did you wrong
W.A.V.E- Mo feran re
Jasmine Sullivan- Lions, Tigers and Bears
John Legend- Ordinary People
Shirley Horn- Once I loved
R Kelly- If only I could turn back the hand of time
Shinedown-Second chance
Styl plus- Runaway
Keri Hilson- Knock you down
Michael Jackson- The way you make me feel
Avant- I'm sorry
Hope- Who am I to say
Pleasure P-Did you wrong
W.A.V.E- Mo feran re
Jasmine Sullivan- Lions, Tigers and Bears
John Legend- Ordinary People
Shirley Horn- Once I loved
R Kelly- If only I could turn back the hand of time
Shinedown-Second chance
Saturday, July 18, 2009
It's canceled
This is a memo sent out to notify you all of the cancellation of tonight's gathering at my place. It is due to powers beyond me and I hope you all can understand and move your schedules as required.
Also, I wanted to say a big thank you to all who came out to Lago yesterday. Even more appreciated, those who came out to Diesel on thursday. Much love. I love you all( no home, guys.)
One last thing, I ask of you all to come to my thanksgiving service on SUNDAY at 10am at ALL NATIONS FULL GOSPEL CHURCH, 1170 NEWMARKET AVE, OFF INNES ROAD, OTTAWA. I must thank God for the life he has given me and the hope of a greater tomorrow. What has not killed me has made me stronger. I am made for greatness.
Also, I wanted to say a big thank you to all who came out to Lago yesterday. Even more appreciated, those who came out to Diesel on thursday. Much love. I love you all( no home, guys.)
One last thing, I ask of you all to come to my thanksgiving service on SUNDAY at 10am at ALL NATIONS FULL GOSPEL CHURCH, 1170 NEWMARKET AVE, OFF INNES ROAD, OTTAWA. I must thank God for the life he has given me and the hope of a greater tomorrow. What has not killed me has made me stronger. I am made for greatness.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The Festivities
To celebrate the 20 odd years God has given me, and to thank him for the many more to come, my birthday mate and friend, and I have decided to come up with a series of gatherings and fun times.
Diesel Night Club
2. Friday, July 17
LAGO bar and grill
3. Saturday, July 18
2833-B Baycrest Drive, off Heron Road
11- 4am( or later)
4. Sunday, July 19
Thanksgiving Service
All Nations Full Gospel Church
1190 Newmarket Road, off Innes Rd
Possible Lunch/Dinner
Details to be sent across soon.
Your gifts and well wishes are appreciated in good faith.
Diesel Night Club
2. Friday, July 17
LAGO bar and grill
3. Saturday, July 18
2833-B Baycrest Drive, off Heron Road
11- 4am( or later)
4. Sunday, July 19
Thanksgiving Service
All Nations Full Gospel Church
1190 Newmarket Road, off Innes Rd
Possible Lunch/Dinner
Details to be sent across soon.
Your gifts and well wishes are appreciated in good faith.
The Countdown-A day closer
I have been getting friends and family, those who care and people of importance, asking me what I want for my birthday. At the top of my list is happiness, but only God can give that. I have thought I should make a wish list( Warning: This posting will be deleted, once my birthday has reached.)
1. Arsenal Jersey( 2nd or 3rd)
2. Any nice footwear(s), mostly flat shoes
3. A wrist watch
4. A new car
5. Nice ties
6. Male Jewelry
7. Body care products
8. Soccer boot
9. Some inspirational books
10. Anything you can think of. I would be very much appreciative of your creativity. The lack of ideas made up this list.
Shoe Size: Size 12
Shirt Size: Medium
Pant size: 33 W, length 36
Please pardon me if this is wrong but I thought it was the best way to answer people asking me for what I want.
1. Arsenal Jersey( 2nd or 3rd)
2. Any nice footwear(s), mostly flat shoes
3. A wrist watch
4. A new car
5. Nice ties
6. Male Jewelry
7. Body care products
8. Soccer boot
9. Some inspirational books
10. Anything you can think of. I would be very much appreciative of your creativity. The lack of ideas made up this list.
Shoe Size: Size 12
Shirt Size: Medium
Pant size: 33 W, length 36
Please pardon me if this is wrong but I thought it was the best way to answer people asking me for what I want.
Monday, July 13, 2009
The Countdown
As I approach the anniversary of my birth on Sunday, I thought it would be nice to blog every single day leading up to Sunday. Challenges have amassed, obstacles have risen, failures have come, fallen into valleys and had to climb mountains. These things though have made me stronger, as they say,"What won't kill you, will make you stronger." Lessons have been learned and I can look forward to a life guided by the principles learned in childhood, the lessons taught by the many life experiences, and values that have been instilled from hearing the stories of others. Having realized that we are not defined by our thoughts but our actions, I intend to live life inspired by the fact that I want to leave a good trail behind. One to be emulated by many and serve as a model for growth for others. Doing things that you love to do, that gives you joy is very important. Do not be guided by social expectations of you and the true discretion of your instincts. Things Fall Apart, a play I have decided to act and direct, has been a source of joy to me once more. Anyways, this is the beginning of my countdown and the most boring. Further posting will include music, videos, pictures, poetry and so on....
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Realizing powers beyond you

Since my last post, I have come to realize something. In life, there are indeed powers beyond the realm of human comprehension or beyond one's limit. You realize that you can be as strong an individual as experiences and nature have made you become but there are somethings that just weaken you and if not careful and PRAYERFUL will shatter you and bring you to crumbs. Now these powers, though all spiritually linked, have their direct applications in the physical realms. Challenges such as sudden downturn in academic productivity, financial depressions, lack of drive and enthusiasm, feeling of lack or growth or decline in all areas of one's life, emotional disasters, even sour relationships with friends and family, take away our joy. It tends that one thing leads to another and before you know it, all these challenges and more then begin to happen simultaneously or even concurrently and your hole keeps getting deeper. More saddening is that fact that many a times, we were at a point when it seems like things can only get better, or seem picture perfect and rosy. Relationship with those that matter is going on great, school is productive, work just seems like its getting everyday, finances are steady and all that and all of a sudden it begins to crumble, faster that the wall of China would.We all have experienced these situations at sometime in our lives and have somehow rebounded from it, fell real deep into it or are still in it. I would like advices, comments, suggestions from anyone who gets to read this. Just before you do that though, let me give you my thoughts.
The ultimate solution to facing challenges or powers beyond us is GOD. Many a times in our lives we overlook this solution option for various reasons. I have not been to church in months. I have not been praying. Why would God answer me after what I have been doing? and all these many questions and statements. The truth though is there is nothing to small for him to do, a sin too big for Him to forgive, our negligence of Him so big He cannot forget. Laying down all your issues in front of Him is the solution. A friend once said, " I will put all my eggs in one basket.God's. Who said do not put all your eggs in one basket". He is the only basket to cast all your pains and sorrows to.
Realizing and accepting that you are in a position that you need help is the next thing that follows here. Realizing a hole is the first step to filling the hole.Sometimes we are too closed minded to see this, or we do not want to accept we at a low point.This only leads to the problem(s) getting bigger.
Stooping to Conquer. I should take a breather here. We have to sometime stoop to the physical contact of these powers affecting our lives to conquer our problem. To sincerely mean and say that you are sorry to an individual you have hurt in the time past can only do you good, not harm. No one is contentedly wicked, situations put us in those corners. Accepting your faults and being willing to move on, learning from them solves the bulks of our problems.
Point out areas of strength and point out areas that need to be worked on. Find the things that make you happy and try to them more often. It not only takes your mind away from your struggles, it tells you there is more to live for than you facing at the moment.
Lastly, never be afraid of change. It is the only thing that changes. Do not judge people by outside perceptions. For some may act like they love you, but they plot your downfall. Some had their backs pushed to the wall, thus forcing them to be against you, deep down, they pray you can get back up and be free once again. Some realise the hate they had for you is no more, and love, compassion and a new hope feels their heart, but complications cannot make them make these feelings known. Be wary as to all man, his own problems. Do not be quick to judge. Have a forgiven spirit. Be open to all man. These are the lessons I wish I had learned way earlier in life, but like they say what will not kill you can only make you stronger.
In truth, the future may look bleak, distant and without substance, but with a little hope, minute faith, few grains of believe and ultimately life, there is a way. A way to come back strong. A way to show that you can be who they say you cant be. A way to live and realize your dreams. A way to make amends for wrongdoings in the past and give light on the present. Love all those who hate you. Bless those who cause you. Thank those who take delight in your downfall,for they are the inspiration you need to become the cornerstone the builders rejected. Appreciate and pray for those who sincerely care about you-their prayer and love kept you going when you didn't know.
Don not forget to drop your comments, suggestions and questions. We all can learn from each other. On a lighter note, congratulations to the East for their success in this year's AFRICAN SPORTS DAY. We, the WEST, will be back to take our rightful position. Also, the AFRICAN FESTIVAL is coming up fast.
The African Festival Ottawa is scheduled to take place in three different locations this year. On Friday July 24, 2009 at Bronson Center "Miss Africa" Pageant and Fashion shows. on Saturday July 25, 2009(Music, drama,poetry, performers acts and so on) at Vincent Massey park, Ottawa. On day 3(final day) Sunday July 26, 2009 (All African Soccer games) at Mooney's Bay Sport Stadium, Riverside Rd.,Ottawa.
Please visit the African Festival Ottawa website at: http://www.africanfestival.org for more information.
If you want to listen to African music, we have 24 hrs non-stop African music radio on our website, Guess what?
If you have an African Soccer Team, please call and represent your Country at the All African Games at Mooney's Bay Sport Stadium.
Fee for Country's Soccer Team: $175
On Saturday June 6, 2009 at Bronson Center, Theater Room, 211 Bronson Avenue, Ottawa
The Pan African Council of Canada presents:
PRE-FESTIVAL CONCERT; June 06 - 2009 @ 6: 00 pm
The Burundi Drummers
Cobra du Mandingue- Gineau
Empress Nyiringango Nina-Rwanda
P-Kongo-Representing Nigeria, Lesotho and Namibia
Gutta Kid-Haiti
Tammy T-Jamaica
Adult... $ 10.00 at the door, $ 8.00 in advance
Youth... $ 7.00 at the door, $ 5.00 in advance
Family..$ 25.00 at the door, $20.00 in advance
All proceeds goes towards the Ottawa African festival for July 24- 26, 2009 at Bronson Center, Vincent Massey Park and Mooney's Bay Sport Stadium, Ottawa.
As said at the begin of the email and now:
If you have any questions, Ottawa please call 613-794-4487 or Toronto call: 647-202-2694 for more details where to purchase your ticket.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
The Strong at heart
It must be answered first, what growth is? In my own words, growth is taking past experiences and making use of them. What you do with them is not growth. We can take past experiences, learn from them and make ourselves better and noticeably so too. We also take our past experiences, decorate them beautifully and place them somewhere nicely. This would mean we have taken the experience, would not forget them but haven't taken the lessons out of them. The problem with when we fall is not that we have fallen but that most people do not get up when they do. Getting up though is not enough, we have to get up and forge to be better. Someone once told me that "when you face a major challenge in life,there are two things to do: First, is to learn from your mistake, and second is to ensure you achieve tangible visible success in the future."
Learning from your mistake is more than meets the eye. It is actually taking that experience, take the good things you have done and try to analyze and see if u could do better. The things you have obviously done wrong should then be sought out for ways to do them best. Refrain from those things you have done wrongly,making sure they do not repeat themselves again.
Being apologetic for the things you have done is as important as learning from your mistakes. You might have wronged someone, or people and you have to show them that you are apologetic, willing to learn from your wrongdoing and make it up to them perhaps. Also more important, is that while you made whatever mistake you made, it has affected someone else. The trust family have in you, the believe of loved ones, the inspiration to those who look up to you and the thinking of those you do not even know notice you.How you rise to this(these) obstacle(s) is/are as important to them as it is to you.They do know that we all must fall sometime, yet we must rise and reasonably so. This leads me to ask: Is there anything that cannot be humanly forgiven? Is ultimate forgiveness a thing of faith and religion? Can one forge ahead from previous disappointments?
I must say these words to you as they are the lessons for life for us all.
Forgiving oneself and being strong at heart will keep you on and let you know there is hope for tomorrow. To be honest, forgiving yourself is the hardest of all this to do and making sure you achieve this solves almost half your problem. It removes the spec in your eyes, giving you a clear view of the world around. I would not forget to mention the importance of family, as they go a long way in helping you get up again. They could be tough of you at first, but they have your best interest at heart and are your close confidant. Be wary of friends who unintentionally turn out to be detrimental to you. Know who you confide in, share your dreams and aspirations and state your problem to. Careful who you ask for advice and whose support you seek. Appreciate those whose intention are good. Keep those who stay the long haul and evaluate the not-so-sure ones.
Like I have said before, this world, I tell you has never given me any free meal without demanding for my whole kitchen in return. It also will not give you a pinch of salt with its left hand without asking for tonnes of salt with its right hand in return. Therefore, with every challenge, failure, mistake and obstacle keep your dreams close to your heart, guided by where you want to get to in life. Your destination is like a shining tower at the seashore, shining forth and something you aim at and should get to if you follow the right course and keep your trajectory, in this case,your focus.
Challenge is something that pushes you up.
Life is not just a routine affair; it's a goal to be achieved, a challenge to be met.
We must give our best to get what we like or else we will be made to like what we get...
Have a Wonderful week!
Learning from your mistake is more than meets the eye. It is actually taking that experience, take the good things you have done and try to analyze and see if u could do better. The things you have obviously done wrong should then be sought out for ways to do them best. Refrain from those things you have done wrongly,making sure they do not repeat themselves again.
Being apologetic for the things you have done is as important as learning from your mistakes. You might have wronged someone, or people and you have to show them that you are apologetic, willing to learn from your wrongdoing and make it up to them perhaps. Also more important, is that while you made whatever mistake you made, it has affected someone else. The trust family have in you, the believe of loved ones, the inspiration to those who look up to you and the thinking of those you do not even know notice you.How you rise to this(these) obstacle(s) is/are as important to them as it is to you.They do know that we all must fall sometime, yet we must rise and reasonably so. This leads me to ask: Is there anything that cannot be humanly forgiven? Is ultimate forgiveness a thing of faith and religion? Can one forge ahead from previous disappointments?
I must say these words to you as they are the lessons for life for us all.
Learn to laugh at your mistakes, but learn from them.
Joke over your troubles, but gather strength from them.
Have fun with your difficulties, but overcome them.
Forgiving oneself and being strong at heart will keep you on and let you know there is hope for tomorrow. To be honest, forgiving yourself is the hardest of all this to do and making sure you achieve this solves almost half your problem. It removes the spec in your eyes, giving you a clear view of the world around. I would not forget to mention the importance of family, as they go a long way in helping you get up again. They could be tough of you at first, but they have your best interest at heart and are your close confidant. Be wary of friends who unintentionally turn out to be detrimental to you. Know who you confide in, share your dreams and aspirations and state your problem to. Careful who you ask for advice and whose support you seek. Appreciate those whose intention are good. Keep those who stay the long haul and evaluate the not-so-sure ones.
Like I have said before, this world, I tell you has never given me any free meal without demanding for my whole kitchen in return. It also will not give you a pinch of salt with its left hand without asking for tonnes of salt with its right hand in return. Therefore, with every challenge, failure, mistake and obstacle keep your dreams close to your heart, guided by where you want to get to in life. Your destination is like a shining tower at the seashore, shining forth and something you aim at and should get to if you follow the right course and keep your trajectory, in this case,your focus.
Challenge is something that pushes you up.
Life is not just a routine affair; it's a goal to be achieved, a challenge to be met.
We must give our best to get what we like or else we will be made to like what we get...
Have a Wonderful week!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Coincidence or is it the I AM?
Good Morning to you all. The end of the week has come and the much anticipated arrival of M.I-Mr incredible and my close padi, Mr Gongo Aso- 9ice has come. People have traveled to the province's capital in anticipation of their busting appearances. Everyone has talked about it.
"Seun, are you going to the MI concert?", someone once asked me.
"No." I replied. " I just want to relax in my city, pick up a book and read."
She then asked," But your boy and inspiration, 9ice will be live this weekend too?" Once again, I replied in the negative. "Are you not going to ask me if I am going to festival of praise, by Pastor Adeboye, I muttered.
"Oh that? I actually forget about it", she said. "No one is talking about it. Everyone is talking about 9ice and MI."
That conversation got me thinking so the arrival of that great man of God is less spoken about than the expectation of the hiphop and afrofunk artists.
As God, the I AM THAT I AM, will have his will, and his will alone, he someway somehow found a way to make sure both concerts do not go on, in no part at all the fault of the organizers, who I must give immense praise to for trying to bring us such magnificent artist.
I expect you all in Toronto to make your way to FESTIVAL OF PRAISE, pray and have a good time in God's presence and I will be visiting Pastor Adeboye when he comes to Ottawa on Sunday.
Isn't he great?
"Seun, are you going to the MI concert?", someone once asked me.
"No." I replied. " I just want to relax in my city, pick up a book and read."
She then asked," But your boy and inspiration, 9ice will be live this weekend too?" Once again, I replied in the negative. "Are you not going to ask me if I am going to festival of praise, by Pastor Adeboye, I muttered.
"Oh that? I actually forget about it", she said. "No one is talking about it. Everyone is talking about 9ice and MI."
That conversation got me thinking so the arrival of that great man of God is less spoken about than the expectation of the hiphop and afrofunk artists.
As God, the I AM THAT I AM, will have his will, and his will alone, he someway somehow found a way to make sure both concerts do not go on, in no part at all the fault of the organizers, who I must give immense praise to for trying to bring us such magnificent artist.
I expect you all in Toronto to make your way to FESTIVAL OF PRAISE, pray and have a good time in God's presence and I will be visiting Pastor Adeboye when he comes to Ottawa on Sunday.
Isn't he great?
Sunday, May 31, 2009
A man opened his wife's underwear drawer and picked up a silk paper wrapped package:
'This, - he said - isn't any ordinary package.'
He unwrapped the box and stared at both the silk paper and the box.
'She got this the first time we went to New York , 8 or 9 years ago. She has
never put it on, she was saving it for a special occasion.
Well, I guess this is it. He got near the bed and placed the gift
box next to the other clothing he was taking to the funeral house, his wife had just died..
He turned to me and said:
"Never save something for a special occasion.
Every day in your life is a special occasion."
I still think those
words changed my life.
Now I read more and clean less.
I sit on the porch without worrying about anything...
I spend more time with my family, and less at work.
I understood that life should be a source of experience to be lived up to, not survived through.
I use crystal glasses every day....
I'll wear new clothes to go to the supermarket, if I feel like it.
I don't save my special perfume for special occasions, I use it whenever I want to.
The words 'Someday....' and ' One Day....' are fading away from my dictionary.
If it's worth seeing, listening or doing, I want to see, listen or do it now....
I don't know what my friend's wife would have done if she knew she wouldn't
be there the next morning, this nobody can tell.
I think she might have called her relatives and closest friends.
She might call old friends to make peace over past quarrels.
I'd like to think she would go out for Chinese, her favourite food.
It's these small things that I would regret not doing, if I knew my time had come..
Each day, each hour, each minute, is special.
Live for today, for
tomorrow is promised to no-one.
If you got this, it's because someone cares for you and because, probably,
there's someone you care about
'This, - he said - isn't any ordinary package.'
He unwrapped the box and stared at both the silk paper and the box.
'She got this the first time we went to New York , 8 or 9 years ago. She has
never put it on, she was saving it for a special occasion.
Well, I guess this is it. He got near the bed and placed the gift
box next to the other clothing he was taking to the funeral house, his wife had just died..
He turned to me and said:
"Never save something for a special occasion.
Every day in your life is a special occasion."
I still think those
words changed my life.
Now I read more and clean less.
I sit on the porch without worrying about anything...
I spend more time with my family, and less at work.
I understood that life should be a source of experience to be lived up to, not survived through.
I use crystal glasses every day....
I'll wear new clothes to go to the supermarket, if I feel like it.
I don't save my special perfume for special occasions, I use it whenever I want to.
The words 'Someday....' and ' One Day....' are fading away from my dictionary.
If it's worth seeing, listening or doing, I want to see, listen or do it now....
I don't know what my friend's wife would have done if she knew she wouldn't
be there the next morning, this nobody can tell.
I think she might have called her relatives and closest friends.
She might call old friends to make peace over past quarrels.
I'd like to think she would go out for Chinese, her favourite food.
It's these small things that I would regret not doing, if I knew my time had come..
Each day, each hour, each minute, is special.
Live for today, for
tomorrow is promised to no-one.
If you got this, it's because someone cares for you and because, probably,
there's someone you care about
Friday, May 29, 2009
Eko o ni baje o(Lagos will never spoil)
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Special 10
Its been a while since I blogged. Been out for a while and thought it was a good time to come back. Im going to be giving a list of different things on my mind at the moment.
1. Its May 27-Children's day in Nigeria. I pray for all the children of the world(which I personally believe includes everyone because we were all born by someone) and pray that God continually makes us a source of joy to our parents. They deserve it.
2.There is nothing more important than family. It was about time I knew that. I ask of you all, please take family seriously. Spend time with fam, dont hide things and give them your all.Dont forget-Blood is thicker than water
3. Somebody decided to go into my garage and burn the cars there and ofcourse my car was there too but like I always say, all things happen for the good of tommorrow.
4. Happy birthday to Lola Okegbemiro, I know its late but I never got a chance to celebrate with you.
5. Im really thinking of the possibility of a double major. Change my minor in Economics to a major in Applied Economics.Guess what my main major is?
6. The failure of Ronaldo is the success of Messi and my home boy Henry. Big congrats to all who are affliated with Barcelona and Pep Guardiola- 1st coaching role and you bag a treble.Go on now to greater things.
7. The value of true friendship should never be underestimated. Through thick and thin, a real friend would be there. Please do all to keep those who are you true friends, they are hard to come by.
8. I had lost interest in writing poetry(in part because I lost my inspiration and a source of happiness).Im renewing my interest and taking it a step further as I am going to finish the book I started writing 5 years ago.
9. On the topic of interest, I will be going back to things that made me happy and out of trouble....Acting, involvements in church, song writing and a lot more.
10. Do not call me sean again please. I would not be answering you. My name is Oluwaseun Okegbemiro but you can call me SEUN. Im going through a rebranding, finding my inner mojo and be who I really am. All nicknames known to me having been denounced except MC KamiKaze.
1. Its May 27-Children's day in Nigeria. I pray for all the children of the world(which I personally believe includes everyone because we were all born by someone) and pray that God continually makes us a source of joy to our parents. They deserve it.
2.There is nothing more important than family. It was about time I knew that. I ask of you all, please take family seriously. Spend time with fam, dont hide things and give them your all.Dont forget-Blood is thicker than water
3. Somebody decided to go into my garage and burn the cars there and ofcourse my car was there too but like I always say, all things happen for the good of tommorrow.
4. Happy birthday to Lola Okegbemiro, I know its late but I never got a chance to celebrate with you.
5. Im really thinking of the possibility of a double major. Change my minor in Economics to a major in Applied Economics.Guess what my main major is?
6. The failure of Ronaldo is the success of Messi and my home boy Henry. Big congrats to all who are affliated with Barcelona and Pep Guardiola- 1st coaching role and you bag a treble.Go on now to greater things.
7. The value of true friendship should never be underestimated. Through thick and thin, a real friend would be there. Please do all to keep those who are you true friends, they are hard to come by.
8. I had lost interest in writing poetry(in part because I lost my inspiration and a source of happiness).Im renewing my interest and taking it a step further as I am going to finish the book I started writing 5 years ago.
9. On the topic of interest, I will be going back to things that made me happy and out of trouble....Acting, involvements in church, song writing and a lot more.
10. Do not call me sean again please. I would not be answering you. My name is Oluwaseun Okegbemiro but you can call me SEUN. Im going through a rebranding, finding my inner mojo and be who I really am. All nicknames known to me having been denounced except MC KamiKaze.
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