Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Realizing powers beyond you

Since my last post, I have come to realize something. In life, there are indeed powers beyond the realm of human comprehension or beyond one's limit. You realize that you can be as strong an individual as experiences and nature have made you become but there are somethings that just weaken you and if not careful and PRAYERFUL will shatter you and bring you to crumbs. Now these powers, though all spiritually linked, have their direct applications in the physical realms. Challenges such as sudden downturn in academic productivity, financial depressions, lack of drive and enthusiasm, feeling of lack or growth or decline in all areas of one's life, emotional disasters, even sour relationships with friends and family, take away our joy. It tends that one thing leads to another and before you know it, all these challenges and more then begin to happen simultaneously or even concurrently and your hole keeps getting deeper. More saddening is that fact that many a times, we were at a point when it seems like things can only get better, or seem picture perfect and rosy. Relationship with those that matter is going on great, school is productive, work just seems like its getting everyday, finances are steady and all that and all of a sudden it begins to crumble, faster that the wall of China would.We all have experienced these situations at sometime in our lives and have somehow rebounded from it, fell real deep into it or are still in it. I would like advices, comments, suggestions from anyone who gets to read this. Just before you do that though, let me give you my thoughts.
The ultimate solution to facing challenges or powers beyond us is GOD. Many a times in our lives we overlook this solution option for various reasons. I have not been to church in months. I have not been praying. Why would God answer me after what I have been doing? and all these many questions and statements. The truth though is there is nothing to small for him to do, a sin too big for Him to forgive, our negligence of Him so big He cannot forget. Laying down all your issues in front of Him is the solution. A friend once said, " I will put all my eggs in one basket.God's. Who said do not put all your eggs in one basket". He is the only basket to cast all your pains and sorrows to.
Realizing and accepting that you are in a position that you need help is the next thing that follows here. Realizing a hole is the first step to filling the hole.Sometimes we are too closed minded to see this, or we do not want to accept we at a low point.This only leads to the problem(s) getting bigger.
Stooping to Conquer. I should take a breather here. We have to sometime stoop to the physical contact of these powers affecting our lives to conquer our problem. To sincerely mean and say that you are sorry to an individual you have hurt in the time past can only do you good, not harm. No one is contentedly wicked, situations put us in those corners. Accepting your faults and being willing to move on, learning from them solves the bulks of our problems.
Point out areas of strength and point out areas that need to be worked on. Find the things that make you happy and try to them more often. It not only takes your mind away from your struggles, it tells you there is more to live for than you facing at the moment.
Lastly, never be afraid of change. It is the only thing that changes. Do not judge people by outside perceptions. For some may act like they love you, but they plot your downfall. Some had their backs pushed to the wall, thus forcing them to be against you, deep down, they pray you can get back up and be free once again. Some realise the hate they had for you is no more, and love, compassion and a new hope feels their heart, but complications cannot make them make these feelings known. Be wary as to all man, his own problems. Do not be quick to judge. Have a forgiven spirit. Be open to all man. These are the lessons I wish I had learned way earlier in life, but like they say what will not kill you can only make you stronger.
In truth, the future may look bleak, distant and without substance, but with a little hope, minute faith, few grains of believe and ultimately life, there is a way. A way to come back strong. A way to show that you can be who they say you cant be. A way to live and realize your dreams. A way to make amends for wrongdoings in the past and give light on the present. Love all those who hate you. Bless those who cause you. Thank those who take delight in your downfall,for they are the inspiration you need to become the cornerstone the builders rejected. Appreciate and pray for those who sincerely care about you-their prayer and love kept you going when you didn't know.
Don not forget to drop your comments, suggestions and questions. We all can learn from each other. On a lighter note, congratulations to the East for their success in this year's AFRICAN SPORTS DAY. We, the WEST, will be back to take our rightful position. Also, the AFRICAN FESTIVAL is coming up fast.

The African Festival Ottawa is scheduled to take place in three different locations this year. On Friday July 24, 2009 at Bronson Center "Miss Africa" Pageant and Fashion shows. on Saturday July 25, 2009(Music, drama,poetry, performers acts and so on) at Vincent Massey park, Ottawa. On day 3(final day) Sunday July 26, 2009 (All African Soccer games) at Mooney's Bay Sport Stadium, Riverside Rd.,Ottawa.

Please visit the African Festival Ottawa website at: http://www.africanfestival.org for more information.

If you want to listen to African music, we have 24 hrs non-stop African music radio on our website, Guess what?


If you have an African Soccer Team, please call and represent your Country at the All African Games at Mooney's Bay Sport Stadium.
Fee for Country's Soccer Team: $175


On Saturday June 6, 2009 at Bronson Center, Theater Room, 211 Bronson Avenue, Ottawa
The Pan African Council of Canada presents:

PRE-FESTIVAL CONCERT; June 06 - 2009 @ 6: 00 pm
The Burundi Drummers
Cobra du Mandingue- Gineau
Empress Nyiringango Nina-Rwanda
P-Kongo-Representing Nigeria, Lesotho and Namibia
Gutta Kid-Haiti
Tammy T-Jamaica

Adult... $ 10.00 at the door, $ 8.00 in advance
Youth... $ 7.00 at the door, $ 5.00 in advance
Family..$ 25.00 at the door, $20.00 in advance

All proceeds goes towards the Ottawa African festival for July 24- 26, 2009 at Bronson Center, Vincent Massey Park and Mooney's Bay Sport Stadium, Ottawa.


As said at the begin of the email and now:


If you have any questions, Ottawa please call 613-794-4487 or Toronto call: 647-202-2694 for more details where to purchase your ticket.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Strong at heart

It must be answered first, what growth is? In my own words, growth is taking past experiences and making use of them. What you do with them is not growth. We can take past experiences, learn from them and make ourselves better and noticeably so too. We also take our past experiences, decorate them beautifully and place them somewhere nicely. This would mean we have taken the experience, would not forget them but haven't taken the lessons out of them. The problem with when we fall is not that we have fallen but that most people do not get up when they do. Getting up though is not enough, we have to get up and forge to be better. Someone once told me that "when you face a major challenge in life,there are two things to do: First, is to learn from your mistake, and second is to ensure you achieve tangible visible success in the future."
Learning from your mistake is more than meets the eye. It is actually taking that experience, take the good things you have done and try to analyze and see if u could do better. The things you have obviously done wrong should then be sought out for ways to do them best. Refrain from those things you have done wrongly,making sure they do not repeat themselves again.
Being apologetic for the things you have done is as important as learning from your mistakes. You might have wronged someone, or people and you have to show them that you are apologetic, willing to learn from your wrongdoing and make it up to them perhaps. Also more important, is that while you made whatever mistake you made, it has affected someone else. The trust family have in you, the believe of loved ones, the inspiration to those who look up to you and the thinking of those you do not even know notice you.How you rise to this(these) obstacle(s) is/are as important to them as it is to you.They do know that we all must fall sometime, yet we must rise and reasonably so. This leads me to ask: Is there anything that cannot be humanly forgiven? Is ultimate forgiveness a thing of faith and religion? Can one forge ahead from previous disappointments?
I must say these words to you as they are the lessons for life for us all.
Learn to laugh at your mistakes, but learn from them.
Joke over your troubles, but gather strength from them.
Have fun with your difficulties, but overcome them.

Forgiving oneself and being strong at heart will keep you on and let you know there is hope for tomorrow. To be honest, forgiving yourself is the hardest of all this to do and making sure you achieve this solves almost half your problem. It removes the spec in your eyes, giving you a clear view of the world around. I would not forget to mention the importance of family, as they go a long way in helping you get up again. They could be tough of you at first, but they have your best interest at heart and are your close confidant. Be wary of friends who unintentionally turn out to be detrimental to you. Know who you confide in, share your dreams and aspirations and state your problem to. Careful who you ask for advice and whose support you seek. Appreciate those whose intention are good. Keep those who stay the long haul and evaluate the not-so-sure ones.
Like I have said before, this world, I tell you has never given me any free meal without demanding for my whole kitchen in return. It also will not give you a pinch of salt with its left hand without asking for tonnes of salt with its right hand in return. Therefore, with every challenge, failure, mistake and obstacle keep your dreams close to your heart, guided by where you want to get to in life. Your destination is like a shining tower at the seashore, shining forth and something you aim at and should get to if you follow the right course and keep your trajectory, in this case,your focus.
Challenge is something that pushes you up.
Life is not just a routine affair; it's a goal to be achieved, a challenge to be met.
We must give our best to get what we like or else we will be made to like what we get...
Have a Wonderful week!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Coincidence or is it the I AM?

Good Morning to you all. The end of the week has come and the much anticipated arrival of M.I-Mr incredible and my close padi, Mr Gongo Aso- 9ice has come. People have traveled to the province's capital in anticipation of their busting appearances. Everyone has talked about it.
"Seun, are you going to the MI concert?", someone once asked me.
"No." I replied. " I just want to relax in my city, pick up a book and read."
She then asked," But your boy and inspiration, 9ice will be live this weekend too?" Once again, I replied in the negative. "Are you not going to ask me if I am going to festival of praise, by Pastor Adeboye, I muttered.
"Oh that? I actually forget about it", she said. "No one is talking about it. Everyone is talking about 9ice and MI."

That conversation got me thinking so the arrival of that great man of God is less spoken about than the expectation of the hiphop and afrofunk artists.
As God, the I AM THAT I AM, will have his will, and his will alone, he someway somehow found a way to make sure both concerts do not go on, in no part at all the fault of the organizers, who I must give immense praise to for trying to bring us such magnificent artist.
I expect you all in Toronto to make your way to FESTIVAL OF PRAISE, pray and have a good time in God's presence and I will be visiting Pastor Adeboye when he comes to Ottawa on Sunday.
Isn't he great?